Gothic Dawn
Gothic Dawn by sst13
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#12   08 Nov 2020
Can't get the thrill others seem to get in this map. I'm not keen on lava, to be honest and this has too much. I found myself stuck around corridors. Lacks pace imo. :/
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#11   18 Jul 2011
Actually, the spider resembles Latrodectus Tredecimguttatus more. And I'm sorry this sort of got so somewhat off-topic. Just thought I'd point that out.
Edited 1430.68 days after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 1732
#10   18 Jul 2011
It looks a lot like a super sized 'Red Back Spider' - - The markings are a little different but the shape is similar. The Red Back is common in Australia.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#9   18 Jul 2011
Question: In the 3rd screenshot, does that spider really exist in real life?
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shrinker unregistered
#7   11 Mar 2011
well, this map is cool but i didn't liked the spider and the fake invisibility. 8/10
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sst13 Rep. 433
#6   08 Nov 2010
@EmeraldTiger: Mapping is just a hobby for me. I don't like deadlines or working under pressure. I also want to be free, to create whatever I want.
Nevertheless I would be glad to see someday one of my maps official in QL. :)
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#5   03 Nov 2010
Ever considered getting a job at id software?

This is a brilliant map; everyone else pretty much said it all. If id takes a look at these, it would be a good idea for them to put this on QL so we can play it online.

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ShadoW Rep. 67
#4   03 Aug 2010
I like it. Classic gothic map for great ffa and tdm. Really nice design, worth checking it! 8/10.
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phantazm11 unregistered
#3   03 Aug 2010
Really great map!
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sst13 Rep. 433
#2   09 Jul 2010
Thanks for the positive review!

I started to make this map in 2002 and released a beta. But the gameplay wasn't really good. So it stays on my harddrive for a long time. Years later i decided to rework the map:

  • all rooms are scaled up a little bit.
  • adding the lower lava corridors to gain connectivity.
  • adding the quad-chamber.
  • adding the MH jumppad
  • general polishing and eyecandy.
PS: Don't try to get the invisibility! :D
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Tetzlaff Rep. 275
#1   07 Jul 2010
Very nice level with a classic Q3A gothic theme and professional looking architecture.
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