Frozen Ice
Frozen Ice by ^Ghost
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#10   05 Jan 2012
Best DeFrag Map Ever!
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   06 Jun 2011
I'm pretty sure that if this map had bot support, it would be 5 times better. Also, what do you mean by the snowflakes bothering you? Are they a distraction?
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kakashiz Rep. 10
#8   14 Nov 2010
great. thanks
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ShadowZombie unregistered
#7   13 Aug 2010
Well I agree totally with the review. So much that is just plain wrong and should not have been released in its current state. I found that the underground passage that has a BP at the end of it has a trigger brush that's way to big. I was hitting my head on the ceiling. The snow flakes were a bother for me cause they are not falling in a realistic fashion. I know its just a game but come on some sort of flow to give it a real look to it. Almost like military style formation as they fall. All in a straight line. If there was bot support the gameplay as the reviewer stated is just not playable. The brushwork does not allow fluid gameplay and the item weapon distribution is as followed like everything else. There's just no point to it what so ever. It seems the lack of testing and experience in a VQ3 is what the author needs to work on. Everything is always a learning experience. Making traps that kill the player going for a powerful item is a no no. Making a trap that could kill the careless unsuspecting player.........Yes :)
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damncamper unregistered
#6   10 Jun 2010
I agree that the statement: "asshole" fits you well (no offence) and seeing how many times I was stupidly destroyed by the trap, I guess that means I'm just sucking yours. :/ I am don't get It! What is the trisk to this?!
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Hooyaah Rep. 657
#5   21 Mar 2010
Very nice visuals in many areas, especially the control room, as the panels and monitors (with critical data constantly reflecting changes) have a considerable amount of detail. The falling snow is also a welcome treat for the eyes. Yes, game play is sorely lacking.

I have NEVER found a trap or another such frustration in a map authored by AEon. ;)
Oh, remember, don't eat the yellow snow.

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Ghost unregistered
#4   28 Jan 2010
Thanks for the comments, don't worry pat, I don't take anything like that to the heart, but I do look at that as a way to improve my maps. As you all know I am not a 'Frag' mapper. This is something I do to take a break from making Defrag maps and maybe learn something new.

There are a lot of dead-ends in this map because, I was getting way too many errors trying to enlarge it, so I quickly chopped it down and threw in some teleporters and called it quits.

And yes AEon, the quad damage is a trap, why? Because I'm an asshole :D

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AEon Rep. 810
#3   22 Jan 2010
Hmm... this map is actually quite beautiful in several areas, and has potential... but...

Issues: Shader file spamming in scripts folder of pk3, should have been merged into one <mapname>.shader file, same with the textures folder, an AAS bot navigation file is missing (argl), last step to PG needs to be jumped, access to Quad is annoyingly dangerous (or even a trap?), access to RA is too "jumpy" for vQ3, too many too long and empty corridors IMO, too many of the weapons are placed in the "furthest corners".

Again, I'd suggest you visit's LEM forum... there some beta testing would have helped bring out the maps full potential.
Edited: 22 Jan 2010 AEST

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pat howard Rep. 472
#2   05 Jan 2010
Hmmm, that last line was not meant to be discouraging, but reading it a second time around it does seem a little harsh. Sorry about that, Ghost, hope you didn't take it the wrong way. If you need any help testing your next map let me know :).


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PaN61 Rep. 503
#1   04 Dec 2009
Excellent snow effect, it makes me want to keep downloading the map again and again.

Edited: 06 Feb 2010 AEST

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