The Valley of Redemption
The Valley of Redemption by ShadowZombie
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Marilyn Klocke Rep. 26
#9   22 Jul 2017
when are you make another map?????
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H217 Rep. 470
#8   25 Jan 2013
Looks great
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Scorpion Tank unregistered
#7   21 May 2012
i like it!
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Tig Rep. 1752
#6   08 Apr 2012
@Satan Fang: There may only be team spawn points. Try \team b (or r) at the console or load the level from the menu system.
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Where the HELL is the spawn point?
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   14 Jan 2012
1 word. AMAZING!
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I_like_quake unregistered
#3   01 Nov 2010
Lacks excitement? I disagree, played this on a LAN with 10 other people and it played realllly fast, The flag rooms look awesome too. I just think the center ground could have used a bit more color and maybe a regen/Quad in the center instead of a haste, other than that a Fantastic map
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Rawing Rep. 70
#2   28 Nov 2009
Lacks eye candy? You think so? I like the map design very much (the part of it which I can see on the screenshot); it's simple yet nice. Don't know about gameplay yet, but I'm gonna give it a try.
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cityy Rep. 373
#1   28 Apr 2009
Okay - in my opinion there are at least two things missing in this map:
Walking through this I was wondering why you've added this wide and open central area without a RG - I think this would give it a bit more action. The second thing I felt sad about is that there are no jump pads - I really like the position they take in ctf. What also worries me is that it's very easy for one team to control both RL and the RA.
But there are also good things about this map - this plays very fast in cpma and the layout is very simple to remember. I also like the way the textures are chosen.
I'll give it a 6.5 - Keep up working!
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