rain by r3x.theCat
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See Darkness Rep. 21
#6   29 Nov 2013
I just found this site after digging in a .pk3, and reading docs.
(Yes, I know it's 2013. I'm slow.)
This is my first post. HURAH!
This level is frantic in any game mod, and excessive forces you to be fairly accurate with grapple, to get quad and either armor.
Deserves finishing! Period.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#5   05 Feb 2012
Textures need fixing :/.
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It would've made a great map if all the textures weren't missing. 5/10.
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spirit Rep. 715
#3   23 May 2008
The lack of a bot file is really a pity 'cause this one looks fun. All textures show up for me, maybe mapmedia.pk3 issues.
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nathan unregistered
#2   18 May 2008
i like the rain and the slightly ambiguous theme of the level. it reminds me of older games where realism was of less importance.

the flow and item placement are very good! this author understands gameplay very well. the visuals are also great - it's definitely not a boxy map. i think this review is a bit unfair.

i really like the level, and i hope to see an updated version with all of the fixes described.

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Mj unregistered
#1   17 May 2008
I think this is the same author of another map with missing textures.He didn't learn from the previous map...:(
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