Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze by Shadowdane
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#22   04 Oct 2020
I disagree with EmeraldTiger :/ The design is good but it's too narrow for decent fighting. The main room is too small and the location of items is not great either. In the middle there should be something to fight for (RG, RA, MH). If arctic themes maps is your thing, I strongly suggest the map "Discontent".
Edited 2.84 days after the original posting.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#21   24 Aug 2020
This is by far my favorite arctic themed Quake 3 map, and probably one of my favorite Quake 3 maps of all time, as a matter of fact. The design is just so damn cool (pun intended) with an incredible amount of attention to detail from the walls to the ceilings, making the place feel very "real". The color variety is superb with reds, blues, and yellows all being used without being distasteful or overpowering. There's also some really neat gameplay quirks, like the viewable screen to the LG room, the button that grants access to a teleporter that lets you into the duct work, the jump pad tunnel... there's so much neat stuff to explore in this map that it feels new every time I load it up again. An absolute, 100% must-have in any Quake 3 player's collection, no questions asked.
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#20   26 Feb 2018
Beautiful design work.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#19   16 Jan 2014
@KommissarReb (SW12): Ahah yeah I'm sure we all have :').
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#18   16 Jan 2014
This map reminds me of Artica, as well as other maps that have the ice cold base theme going on.

@FragTastic: We've all been there at some point.

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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#17   16 Jan 2014
Your welcome! :). Mind my noobish comment I was a lil mental back then.
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Shadowdane Rep. 12
#16   09 Nov 2012
Thanks for the comments FragTastic & Mark, glad you enjoyed my map!
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#15   06 Jan 2012
Impressive map 9.5/10.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#14   01 Aug 2010
This is one of the best ffa made for quake3 imo. too much novelty for tourney. But size + layout + itemplacement + novelty = fun, fun, fun!!! for mid-sized ffa.
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Shadowdane Rep. 12
#13   13 Jun 2010
Thanks for the excellent review PaN61! Glad you liked the map!
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#12   12 Jun 2010
Superb level design, layout and skybox. Textures are used nicely, the architecture is really good and the amount of detail is just outstanding. Lighting is really good and helps create the atmosphere of an underground frozen ice and snow base. The item placement is thought out well with the item placements in tricky locations to find like the Quad Damage and the MegaHealth. The connectivity and vertical action is excellent.

The pipes that run along the walls which have steam coming out of them with the excellent shader effect by Krash, the window in the Rail Gun room which has a camera directly showing the Lightning Gun room and all its contents as well as the big tower (Looking up at the skybox from the Plasma Gun location) with the red lights flashing on top of the tower gives this map even more detail.

Deep Freeze by Shadowdane is an outstanding map, 10/10.


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wrxGuy unregistered
#11   23 Nov 2009
Definitely one of my favorite maps!! Great level layout and architecture. Bots play it very nicely too!
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#10   20 Apr 2009
Superb level design, excruciating detail, believable ambient sounds, and smokin' bot support make this a keeper. Download it or miss out on some real fun.

I swear that one bot learned how to get to the quad from scoping me out. Aside from the bots having no set spot to camp, I see this as one of the best examples of what a mapper should aspire to. I give it a solid 9.5. Cock it and lock it 'cuz it's time to rock it!

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mrvandelay unregistered
#9   07 Feb 2009
This map cured my aids.
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Shadowdane Rep. 12
#8   12 Jan 2009
Thanks for all the nice reviews everyone.. and no this doesn't have a virus, i don't have a clue where Gian got his virus but its not from my level. I did notice ..::LvL didn't include a download for the Full Version of this map which includes custom music. I would highly suggest grabbing that if you get this map.

Deep Freeze (Full Version) - 22mb -
Edited: 26 Jan 2009 AEST

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Fleet unregistered
#7   07 Dec 2008
Awesome map man! Great detail and atmosphere! Love the layout and general design too!
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#6   07 Nov 2007
Especially in considering that the map has been downloaded 1,178 times, and no one has had any problems. =/
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J2KoOl63 Rep. 100
#5   14 Jun 2006
Oh man. This map is one excellent piece of work. I love everything about it. The feel, gameplay, it is all top-notch. This map took some great skill to make.


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Shadowdane unregistered
#4   27 Apr 2006
thx for the nice comments.. glad u liked it.
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#3   26 Apr 2006
Very good map :)
Very cool lighting ;)
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Shadowdane unregistered
#2   18 Apr 2006
Full Download of Deep Freeze with Custom Music - 21mb
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Shadowdane unregistered
#1   15 Apr 2006
thx for the review v1|3! :)
glad u liked it.. took me way to long to finish it. I think about a year on & off editing it. Kinda forgot I had submitted it to LvL as I finished the level back in Sept 2005.
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