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@raspatan the regular bots also pickup the RA but seem hesitant. Thanks for putting out the Spiterbot to me. I will try it out. But now I am a bit hesitant because I've grown quite accustomed to the q3 bots. I probably play like one myself... ;)
Which means Spiterbot is going to... uhh beat me haha
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@Takkie, try Spiterbot mod (in mods section). Bots as "smarter" and they did pick up the RA in this map when I tested it (and other items in similarly placed locations in other custom maps). It has an OSP feeling to it so it's cool to play.
Edited 3.05 hours after the original posting.
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I agree with EmeraldTiger. I liked the RG and GL placement. The level looks nice and plays good. Some area's reminded me a little of the stock Id maps (q3dm9: hero's keep and q3tourney2 the proving grounds) . Like the short teleporter hallway and the long walkway with the fog underneath. I had this vague deja-vu feeling and it didn't excite me. What bothered me was that the RA was placed in such a manner that it negatively influenced bot play. The bots didn't like the slight difference in height between the walkway and the red armour. Perhaps you can fall there in the fog of death, the bots treated it as a place of danger and manouvered with care while I just jumped in an out. So hardly an obstacle for me but a big one for the bots. Maybe some botcllipping could have helped the bots there... I might be wrong it was something I noticed in a couple of rounds I need to play the map more to be certain about this observation. I didn't use the bot supported, krusade might not have this problem if he's a bit suicidal and has a preference for (weapon) jumping.
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A well-balanced duel map, but not a very fascinating one in my opinion. The RL and teleporter rooms can be boring to fight in due to a lack of vertical action; they're so flat compared to the interesting RA/RG room with multiple stories. With a doorway from the GL platform connecting the RL / tele rooms there could be opportunities to introduce more Z-axis design in them, while also providing more paths to the GL besides the teleporter.
Edited 1.75 minutes after the original posting.
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Pretty cool map! Very fun. Shame there is a regen even for a 1v1 mode. A MH would have been way better. I didn't test the bot because I use custom skins (bright green keel).
Edited 36 seconds after the original posting.
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My custom bot - Reaper - would DOMINATE this map for chrissakes! He is literally PERFECT in every way (mainly because he has a perfect botfile).
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#3 03 Jun 2005
Fucking hell of a map.... =) Great....Too bad there isn't lg in the map and Krusade is pain in the ass.... ;)
And where can I get those Death2Uall soundpacks, I've been looking for them on net for long time and I cannot find them....help.... =/
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Geometry and texturing is nice, although when I played it I felt that the halls with windows lacked good texture usage because the parts up the stairs had far too much wall with just the single brick texture. I like the layout a lot, but I just feel something is missing when playing defensively, possibly the lack of the lightning gun.
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this map is great! as well as second realease by Kell, must have:)
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