Pain From Spain
Pain From Spain by Binaryshi & Munyul Verminard
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#17   18 Feb 2021
One of the maps that comes with Generations Arena, and one of my favorites from it, too. It does a great job at recreating the Quake-style atmosphere, and the lava tornado-spiral of doom with the BFG is one of the coolest features in any map I've seen.
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gooball Rep. 1091
#16   04 Sep 2018
I love the Quake-esque dungeon/cave feeling I get from this map. Gameplay was great too!
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SW12 unregistered
#15   26 May 2010
That Head of carmack creeped me out. The swirling lava and BFG platform were the highlights.
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void unregistered
#14   03 Aug 2004
This map is by far one of the best I've seen. I made a backup of my backup.
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John Furie Zacharias unregistered
#13   11 Mar 2004
Big hot lava fun!

Full review:

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Madan unregistered
#12   28 Feb 2004
Can't feel it. Ambiance doesn't do it for me. Textures and mapwork don't do it for me. Brushwork doesn't do it for me.

Gameplay is average.


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Opja unregistered
#11   28 Nov 2003
dude, this map ROCKS!!!!

...that is all.

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ConfusedUs unregistered
#10   20 Nov 2003
Is anyone else reminded very strongly of Lost Hallways from Q2?

Not in looks, but in feel?

Well I am, and it's a good thing. Rock on!

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Munyul unregistered
#9   16 Nov 2003
Thanks everyone for your great comments! :)

Both Binaryshi and I are very pleased that the map has been so well recieved and that people like the Quake feeling that we tried to achieve.

Thanks :)

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macho unregistered
#8   14 Nov 2003
great map
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Myth unregistered
#7   13 Nov 2003
excellent work, the screen shot here doesn't do it justice. the Quake 1 ambience is superb.


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stuka69 unregistered
#6   13 Nov 2003
superb map! very nostalgic. the item placement is well done and there's plenty of room to run around, plus it runs flawlessly at max settings on my computer! has anyone thought about doing any Hexen II-style remakes for Q3A? does anyone remember Hexen II? LOL :D
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lovely! unregistered
#5   13 Nov 2003
superb map! very nostalgic. the item placement is well done and there's plenty of room to run around, plus it runs flawlessly at max settings on my computer! has anyone thought about doing any Hexen II-style remakes for Q3A? does anyone remember Hexen II? LOL :D
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me! unregistered
#4   12 Nov 2003
WOW!! beautiful work! very impressive! will b on my hd 4 a long time! thx!
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#3   11 Nov 2003
Fantastic map! Love it!
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Mj unregistered
#2   09 Nov 2003
Beautifull map and plays great.Nice effect for the spining lava.
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nitin unregistered
#1   08 Nov 2003
still yet to actually play it, the layout's very complex though. Although, for once I in a good way.

Looks wise, this is classy stuff, probably the best gothic looking map for q3.

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