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The atmosphere 10/10
Movement 4/10
Gameplay 6/10
If only this was more polished it would've been a keeper
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It is buggy. You can "exit" the map. Too narrow corridors. No gameplay at all.
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Whatever the case, very nice map.
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I'm not sure TBH. «-·'¯'·.Ð駧í©á‡éÐ ©ó®þ§é.·'¯'·-» said that back in 2012 around the time when the SJW triggering started rearing it's ugly head. Mocking SJW types whether they be him or FragTastic didn't seem to really become popular until about 2016 when anti-sjw's started popping up everywhere.
Edited 16.51 hours after the original posting.
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Yeah calling this racist is obviously stupid, but it was likely said as an ironic statement to make fun of those "SJW" types.
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#49 04 Mar 2020
"Racist title"??? What a lot of fraggin' nonsense. I think the term you're looking for is "darktown" as in "Darktown Strutter's Ball," a song written in 1917 - BY AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN. Everyone needs to grow the hell up and stop looking for racism, especially where none whatsoever is intended. And this map is still genius.
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This has to be one of the most brilliant maps that has ever been made. The structure, textures are absolutely magnificent. But Gameplay is a big let down. It's lagg is terrible and not suitable for bots but for me a good look around. 8.5/10
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Yeah, there does seem to be a fair bit of that happening these days. But I doubt the author meant anything negative with the name of the map though. Just take a look at the screenshot, those street lights aren't just there to look good :P
Edited 4116.48 days after the original posting.
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Apparently nowadays if you even utter the word black, IT'S RACIST! TRIGGERED
Edited 2878.33 days after the original posting.
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I don't know a lot about the people on here :P Good to know there are a few other Australian's here though :)
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heh? I'm also Australian. I already knew that Tigger-oN was Australian long ago :).
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I'm Australian too :D I thought I was the only one :P
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Wow, you're Australian, Tig? I though you're American...
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@Euronymous: How is this racist? If it is the level title then I strongly disagree with you. Here in Australia we have a major city called "Blacktown", here is a link to the wiki:
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This is racist.
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Quite a good map, I have to admit. But there are a few bad pointers on this map, just as there are a few good pointers. Infact, I've made a pro and con list, if you will.
Pros- Has some excellent textures
- The gameplay was pretty smooth
- Runs rather well on the Hunt mod, and the Freeze Tag mod
- The sound effects gave it a lonely touch to the map, which made the map more suitable to play on
- The layout is nicely done; a lot of good hiding places and fun to play in
- The lighting was excellent, it matched the map well
Cons- The graphics on the map reduced smoothness in the gameplay
- Bots kept heading for the rocket launcher more than anything else
- The guns weren't evenly distributed throughout the map (I found myself shooting with the Machine Gun more than any other gun)
- Bots never went up on the top half of the map; I think the ground is not even enough
- Some textures were missing in the map (I saw white spots in the staircases)
- You can fall through the fence and through a passage way in the map, taking you outside the map (as far as I know, there is only one place you can get back up onto the map, but it still needs improving; you shouldn't be able to fall out of the map)
This map looked pretty good to me, but the problems brought it down. By solving the problems in this map, lowering the graphic level and fixing bugs, it would be an excellent map. Otherwise, a 6/10.
Edited: 15 Apr 2012 AEST
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This map has so many hits on Map-factory.org.
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#37 09 Oct 2010
This place looks of the setting of the streets from the Book "That was then, this is now".
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@frankythebunny: Can you use the contact form (under 'Site' -> 'Contact') to send me the email address and the login name you are using. Please include any error messages you may be shown when you do try to login.
As to this map rendering just black; My guess is you have a PK3 in your baseq3 folder that has a corrupt shader file. As a test, remove all custom PK3 maps except this one and see if it loads correctly.
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#35 09 Oct 2010
hi guys, i have two problems:( the first one concerns with this map: i downloaded it, but once i launch it it appears all black!there is my player, opponents can be added, weapons can shot, but the only thing i can see is the sights. nothing else! can anyone tell me the reason?
the 2nd problem is to related to the login! In a few words, I can't login, and i know for sure that my Id e Password are ok. Thank you for attention.
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A perfect example of the bad side of many developers: an outstanding an impressive map on the visuals and design, but as AEon says in the previous comment, and I'll add, the lack of some basic and simple technical aspects that should be the obvious first steps for any level designer (both pro and amateur) do more harm than good.
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Really inspiring map... alas it could have used massive amounts of additional clipping, the vQ3 bots and the player gets stuck in many places. Alas, IMO, almost unplayable show piece.
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This map is well worth the time that it would take to fix some few bugs. This is truly a sensational map and, although I understand how an artist may loathe going back to do touch ups, I only must say that because it is such an excellent showing, the time would be well spent in a bit of mending and those who had issues with its drawbacks would be pacified.
Note: My apologies to the artist. However, I felt that my continued silence was less a transgression that that of an excellent work of Quake3-noir remaining with flaw and none to urge repair of such.
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#31 20 Apr 2008
Actually, I can still fall out of the map, and watch the bots fragging themselves until I die or kill myself, being unable to come back into the map.
Furthermore, both me and the bots acts like if they're drunk or something...slow moves, lack of accuracy...
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#30 10 Nov 2003
Can you still fall out of the map, or has that hole been clipped? Has any caulking been done to bring the FPS up? Has the 'foghull' been replaced with a proper foghull? Any chance of thicker fog with the 'farplanedist' flag set (would increase the FPS)? Can anyone who d/l'd the new version give some details?
Oh yeah, and did anyone notice that the bumpmapping isn't so effective on horizontal or near-horizontal surfaces, like the drainage pipe? It still looks '3D' but the pits turn into bumps if you look at then from the other side. This is because of way the human brain process light/shadow information. Your brain assumes all light will falling from above and so things lit from above will look convex while things lit from below will look concave. Neat, huh? My Oxford psych degree wasn't a total waste...
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#29 06 Nov 2003
yey! haha thanks. :D now let's put this baby to the test..
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#28 05 Nov 2003
The zip corruption issue should now be fixed, sorry about that.
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not entered
#27 05 Nov 2003
i get the same thing with the zip its corrupted, guess we have to wait to see if its fixed later. :(
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#26 04 Nov 2003
I keep getting a corrupt zip file when I download from FilePlanet. The map looks sweet, and I want to see how bad it smacks my system around, but I can't find it anywhere but FilePlanet. Does anyone know of other sources? BTW I don't care if Q3A is old, what about HL and CS? That engine is even older, and I know too many people that still play them! :D Personally i've always enjoyed Quake 3's eyecandy. Anyways, back to searching..
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Woolie Wool
#25 26 Oct 2003
Whoa! This map raped my Athlon. Even when I removed the annoying music (if you're going to use music, make sure the file is small and that it enhances the ambience, not distracts the player), it was still choppy. The bots didn't mind, though, when I fired up Generations Arena and stuck six Earth Soldiers (Sarge, Mynx, Biker, Hossman, Razor, and my own uber-bot Terminus) into the place to record a bots-only demo. There is no ammo in the map, and the bots often wound up with only a knife or trying to fire an empty mortar when they had a fully loaded MP-40 (I noticed only Terminus uses the MP-40, the others use pistols when they spawn). There were a few glitches but they were unnoticeable in a heated, laggy deathmatch. 8/10 overall. The author needs to lower the polycount and polish it a bit, and then it will deserve a 10.:)
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Woolie Wool
#24 26 Oct 2003
Eh? said:
"Ah yes, the almighty dollar for greedy capitalists"
I want to beat you to death with a golf club for that remark. It isn't about the "almighty dollar", it's about courtesy and respect. If I made something and put it up for free and you stole it without giving credit, I would be pissed. I carefully document all the sources I use to make my Starforce mod for FreeSpace 2. Why? Because ripping people's stuff like that is wrong, dishonest, disrespectful, and can land you in JAIL. Take your pinheaded socialist ideologies and shove 'em up your ass.
I'm downloading the map now; my 1.6-GHz Athlon will be VERY choppy running a 17MB map.
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Constantin the Great
#23 21 Oct 2003
Why can't I walk in a house? Why can't I open a door? Why?! Why do all mappers do this to me? Why?!
8 for idea. 7 for concept. 7 for architecture. 7 for gameplay (because a lot of little boys out there still have litle video cards unlike us real men). 5 for innovation. 10 for doing something else other than a science-fiction or church inspired map! 5 for technical. 5 for map innovation (no tunnels to swim through, no doors that open, nothing to operate, and doesn't Quake III make use of mip-mapping, bump-mapping, and all that OpenGL jazz?!)
But in the end no standard judging criterias have been established by the people running this site. Everything is in fact subjective. One man's trash may be another's treasure.
And say...isn't Quake III, like, so, like, you know, like, you know, like old? Like, ancient? Like has-been? Like...oh...forget it.
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#22 20 Oct 2003
Lovely map but it runs a bit slow because the good graphics.
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#21 20 Oct 2003
Eh? Another example then, without money involed :]
You make something called 'item-X', which you give away (for free) over the internet. You also, very clearly label item-X as copyright by Eh? - Free to distributed so long as this copyright notice appears. Some one called 'LowbrowScum' decides that item-X is a very cool thing and wishes they had made item-X themself. They like it some much they decide to remove your little copyright notice and start to promote item-X as LowbrowScum's very cool thing - copyright LowbrowScum.
Does that make it any clearer or are you going to troll some more?
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#20 18 Oct 2003
The submit button above says "Did you check for dumb typo's?"
That should be "typos" without the apostrophe. Sheesh.
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#19 18 Oct 2003
Whoops, sorry, that last response is from me.
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not entered
#18 18 Oct 2003
>>Ah yes, the almighty dollar for greedy capitalists.
Nothing makes my ass hurt like simpleminded generalizations. How about this: You created something (a map, a painting, a song) and assclowns decide to start doing random things with it without contacting you and asking if you mind.
It doesn't have to be about (gasp) GREED AND CAPITALISM--TEH HORROR!
It's about simple, common courtesy.
And yeah, the map looks absolutely gorgeous, and has a huge variety of technical problems--it's built in a box, runs like crap, has visual glitches, and is in serious need of clipping (movement is really annoying with all the slanted/rounded steps and faces). I wish the author would take the time to finish it off properly.
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Legrand [LN]
#17 18 Oct 2003
Ditto to most other comments. Nice looking, very nice, but completely unplayable, even on my 3Ghz machine. Well, you could play it, but it wouldn't be much fun :)
Speeds: I put a couple of pics up on my website: www.clanlocknet.com/test/
they're xpac 1.jpg - xpac 4.jpg fullsize (1600 X 1200) and unaltered.
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#16 18 Oct 2003
Ah yes, the almighty dollar for greedy capitalists.
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#15 16 Oct 2003
Eh?: Its stealing because permission was never given from the original Artist/Creator.
Think about this. You spend sometime making something that you want to sell, then someone comes along, buys a copy, then includes it in their 'free to download' product, without asking you if it was OK to included your work in their 'free to download' product.
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#14 16 Oct 2003
i wish more maps would have music. excellent map. art pure. i like to see maps going that direction
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#13 15 Oct 2003
How is it stealing? I would think that there would have to be a profit motive somehow unless he's actually taking credit for another's music.
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#12 15 Oct 2003
I'm running a 500mhz with intels crummy 11mb fixed video. Runs fairly smooth for me. But I took the 10.2mb audio.wav out of the music folder and replaced it with a quiet-silent 22hz stereo short looping wav.
The music sound was eating up alot and the map was choppy before I did that.
I had one problems with the map... Near where the shotgun is placed, back across the street... follow the pipes toward the wall and you'l see a chain link fence texture... walk through it and you fall under the map. Some places allow you to jump back up into the cobbled street or a buildings wall.
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#11 14 Oct 2003
since it wont run on my pc
I want more pics please
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#10 14 Oct 2003
Best thing I've seen in a long time! Fix the bugs/holes/z-fighting and it is a 10! Pro quailty!
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#9 13 Oct 2003
still sweet to see what people can do w/ the q3 engine after all these years. good stuff manerd.
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Mr. Lake
#8 13 Oct 2003
It definately doesn't feel like Quake. The atmosphere in the design and lighting is far beyond what most multiplayer maps these days can deliver...this is the kind of map you find in a single player game.
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#7 13 Oct 2003
hi there, wow what an amazing atmosphere.
I did however get to a part of the map where i can see the map from "the outside" wihtout dying ore something, which was for me pretty sad to find after the stunning walk through. A bit of testing would have fixed this :( . I can send you a demo that shows you to get exactly to the place in the map where that happens.
Anyway an amazing work.
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#6 13 Oct 2003
Gorgeous to look at, and very spooky. Lousy FPS though, even on my 3GHz FX5600 machine. Trouble is, to avoid the 'leaf has too many portals' error, XPac has made every brush detail, so the r_speeds are through the roof. And that 'terrain' is in fact a patch mesh... BTW, if you're gonna steal music, a better pick would have been one of the Reznor tracks from Classic Quake. To sum up: this map is for inspiration rather than gameplay. The bar has now been raised (since Chartres and Cardigan's 'Estatica')..!
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#5 13 Oct 2003
I missed the fact that this level had a music track (the file size should have been a give away).
I've asked XPac to get in touch with the Pillows and ask for their permission to include the track.
Note for other mappers: Do NOT include the work of other people without full permission, and please keep a copy of the email if you do get permission :]
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#4 13 Oct 2003
Hey, Good job. It reminds me of Innsmouth, you know, the town in Lovecraft's novels... The atmosphere is here, no doubt !!!
Not a map to play in, but wonderful place to discover.
And, folks, don't forget to visit XPac's site, as there is some interesting stuff here too...
Continue comme ça, cher compatriote...
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#3 12 Oct 2003
Doesn't look like it actually uses foghull, probably isn't using terrain either. There's a list of q3map2 wow features in the readme but it doesn't state that all of them are actually used in the map!
Performance could have been better if there was some vis-blocking, but it looks like it was just all made detail and then stuck in a box to compile (you can jump out of the playable area into the box that contains the map in a couple of places). Also the whole map seems to have a very dense lightmapscale, probably set from the worldspawn, whereas for a lot of surfaces it could easily have been reduced to be kinder to older PCs... and indeed not-so-old PCs.
Still an awesome tech demo though.
PS Stealing any piece of music you happen to fancy to use in your map is naughty, don't do it kids.
...furi kuri... furi kura...
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#2 12 Oct 2003
Nice little tech demo. Don't get it if you expect to play a game on it tho.
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#1 12 Oct 2003
Gorgeous map.. definitely worth a dl just to look around on it.
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