The Long Way Home
The Long Way Home by JustOneFiX
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#30   16 May 2021
Amazing map! Massive maps are hard to get right and this one definitively is spot on. It plays very very well. It would be ideal for CA. Design is very unique. I love the fact that battle shield is the main power-up. Very refreshing. There seems to be plenty of secrets around (see comments below) but didn't find many. Couldn't figure out which door opens with the button that is hidden in the room in the image. Anyway. great map!!
Edited 5.18 minutes after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#29   09 Jan 2012
The environment looks wonderful & so is the gameplay 9.5/10.
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AEon Rep. 780
#28   21 Aug 2009
I love the greenery in this map, and the earthy feel as well. These visually stunning maps usually do not play that well against vQ3 bots, but in this case that works fairly well. Fun map.
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spirit Rep. 715
#27   29 Mar 2008
A huge and detailed map. Good texturing and lighting, plays well. Nice plants in stuff, lots of things to look at without disturbing gameplay. Grab this one.
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not entered unregistered
#26   16 Jul 2004
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ijed unregistered
#25   06 Mar 2004
bah, thought someone mentioned it earlier in the thread - satan loves you and I wouldn't stand there dickhead . . . heheh
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not entered unregistered
#24   20 Feb 2004
there is no BFG chief :)
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ijed unregistered
#23   20 Feb 2004
ok, found the quad, now fer that damn BFG

-> this is the only map I've played on my own, with no bots, just to find the secrets

(yeh I know, sad aint it)

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me! unregistered
#22   06 Dec 2003
this is 1 fine map!! well done!! 10/10
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ijed unregistered
#21   06 Dec 2003
excellent map, its been on my maplist for donkeys years and'll probly stay there as well
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Leone unregistered
#20   04 Nov 2003
You don't have long to reach the door....even if you get there fast, you will only have 2 seconds to spare ;)
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foofighter unregistered
#19   24 Sep 2003
All I'll say is, go to the main atrium area, and rjump up to the head of the winged thingya will hear a switch activate to open a u have to find where the door opens..good luck
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Vymiott unregistered
#18   23 Sep 2003
Does anybody know where is a Quad Damage?

BTW: awesome map!

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spud unregistered
#17   21 Sep 2003
its there in my skirmish menu, maybe you've got too many maps in your baseq3 folder? Anyway, map jof3dm1 will get you in the game :-)
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listcode unregistered
#16   21 Sep 2003
i download this map but idont see in the skirmish menu,please tell me how i can open,thanks
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Spanky unregistered
#15   21 Sep 2003
@death...there's a reason to have a BS in there ;-) lol you'll have to explore a bit though. BFG...OMFG no way!
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foofighter unregistered
#14   21 Sep 2003
Yeah great map, very smooth gameplay, well done jof!! :)
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Techx unregistered
#13   20 Sep 2003
man that screen looks sweet, gj
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dEaTh unregistered
#12   20 Sep 2003
very nicely designed map. most original map i have seen in quite a while. its also very interesting as you play through it. i had a lot of fun playing it, however i have a few complaints. one, i am not exactly sure what a battle suit is doing in it. i assume the lava that must be crossed to reach the LG justifies it a bit, but then again, if you come from the second level, you can simply jump down. and even so, there way to little lava to justify the placement of a BS. a quad or haste would have been more fitting. secondly, i think the BFG would have been a nice addition to the level, because it is big enough to make the BFG worthwhile. the scenery however is amazing and at moments i just stopped to look at it. update it with a QD instead of the BS and add a BFG and its a 10/10 map, and deserves a permanent spot on your HD.
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-*DMF*-ULTRASPANK5 unregistered
#11   19 Sep 2003
Permanent space on my hunka!
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Jay unregistered
#10   19 Sep 2003
Some big maps my Celery 667mhz and PCI TNT2 don't like (hey single figure frame rates make me feel like Neo!). Was surprised by this baby! Lovely! Would be nice one for a LAN with 10 of yer buddies!
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Greatbloke unregistered
#9   19 Sep 2003
This map is great. The gameplay in a full FFA server can't be beaten. A lot of thought has gone into weapon placement,... well a lot of thought has gone into everything....

This is easily among my top ten favourite maps of all time...Perhaps no 1.

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target unregistered
#8   19 Sep 2003
Love the large amount of secrets, just when you think you got em all something new is found :)
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=PiT=Mikey unregistered
#7   19 Sep 2003
yes gr8 map indeed!! This is my new favourite map for ffa!
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stud hormone unregistered
#6   18 Sep 2003
oh man this map rules. it is awesome, and by awesome i mean TOTALLY SWEET. more secrets and potential l33t jumps than you could poke a stick at...metaphorically speaking of course.

did i already mention how much this map rules? i did? oh, good.

black power!

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Leone unregistered
#5   18 Sep 2003
Yeah...this map rocks! Loads of little secrets here and there, it's also the bitch for FFA or Freeze TAG!

Anyone for a little first-to-500 FFA on this baby? ;-)

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=PiT=kikurass unregistered
#4   18 Sep 2003
I have 10 gig of maps on my hard drive and this is the most oustanding map of them all.

Well done JOF, id snap this man up,it would appear his imagination knows no bounds.

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tim unregistered
#3   18 Sep 2003
great map. lots of secrets.
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spud unregistered
#2   18 Sep 2003
oh yeah momma! This is the shiznit, a great ffa map with style and flair to rival the Nanny. Check this badboy people you wont be sorry you did
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nitin unregistered
#1   18 Sep 2003
good map, the framerates are outstanding given the size and looks. Gameplay's pretty solid too, even works somewhat in TeamDM.
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