Evil Gemini CTF
Evil Gemini CTF by Mr.Lake
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#14   26 Aug 2020
Carnage made a CTF map. Bots are ok but humans would take gameplay to another level.
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Gorf Rep. 228
#13   29 Apr 2015
Domitri must be looking at another map...excellent map Mr. Lake...very nice...very frantic. I'm digging it.
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Kaleo unregistered
#12   14 Oct 2008
Soc's remake reminded me of how good this map is.
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Mr. Lake Rep. 70
#11   07 Feb 2006
Wow, I'm sorry Domitri. Hopfully one of my other maps will win you over?
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Domitri Joric unregistered
#10   15 Jan 2005
It's awful.. right in my recycle bin. No longivity and a HUGE disappointment. ... sorry
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Wedge_maniac unregistered
#9   19 Feb 2004
I played this map with bots for a test run and I liked it a lot. I play instagib only and the server that I admin is a faster game than normal. Evil Gemini seems to work well for this style of play, especially since small CTF maps tend be what my friends desire. I'm going to put it on the server and see what they think of it. Thanks to the Mr. Lake.
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#8   01 Nov 2003
Thanks so much guys! I'm really glad you all enjoy it.

I'm sad that I won't have time to do many more maps because of work, but trust me, next year you'll be playing a game that's worth the wait.

(Hehe... "Lakie")

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kmas unregistered
#7   31 Oct 2003
Pure fun.
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Ishushu unregistered
#6   20 Oct 2003
Another great map Mr.Lakie
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Xion unregistered
#5   18 Sep 2003
I don't get how you got inspiration from that, Bro.

SOLID 10!!!!!1111one one one

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#4   14 Sep 2003
If you have ever seen the Don Hertzfield animated short "Rejected", then you know the scene where two stick figures scream at each other while one's eye-socket pumps large quantities of blood all over the face of the other. Sadly, that was the inspiration of this map...so glad to see it paid off. :)

Thank you for all the compliments. This is currently my favorite map to play, and it's great to see other people enjoy it too. So thank you for downloading it and giving it a chance!

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rokscott unregistered
#3   14 Sep 2003
I'm not much of a CTF player myself but I liked the sound of this one. Haveing the flags so close together is a novel idea and it really works well here. The defenders job is just as hard as the attackers. Absolutely bags of fun to play. Grab it now :)
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oRBIT unregistered
#2   13 Sep 2003
unique! i enjoy the different type of strategy you must use because the flags are so close together and not easily guarded!

i bet this would make a very good tourney map too....

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SoKaR unregistered
#1   11 Sep 2003
I can only say....almost perfect...this map stays on my hd, that's for sure!!! :)

Score 9 from me!!!

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