Skytown by Anton
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99ymx Rep. 118
#41   17 May 2012
The gravity has been set to 700 in this map. :)
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#40   06 Jan 2012
Beautfull Map!
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RedOne Rep. 97
#39   14 Aug 2010
I didnt liked it. Maybe beacuse it get slow on my system. A 7.5 anyway.
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lol unregistered
#38   07 Aug 2010
It's easy to aim enemy with a big resolution in Quake 3 o_O
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#37   17 Jul 2010
lol, try downloading the fixed and updated Skytown2 map because Skytown has a couple of missing textures. The Skytown2.txt has a description of what Anton has changed/fixed in Skytown and released in the fixed and updated Skytown2 map.


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lol unregistered
#36   16 Jul 2010
@PaN61: Why skytown map 2 textures are missing but 2 textures is blank! What should I do?


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PaN61 Rep. 393
#35   14 Apr 2010
Thanks lol.


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lol unregistered
#34   14 Apr 2010
@PaN61: The Best F8 Clan Railers Episode 2 video availible here:
This video resolution is 480x270, default quality video is 400x226.
This video Quake 3 Resolution is 2560x1920 i think.
F8 clan installed the Skytown map in baseq3 folder.


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lol unregistered
#33   25 Mar 2010
I am a insane rail in this map in OpenArena
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lol unregistered
#32   21 Mar 2010
F8 Clan installed this map
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AEon Rep. 780
#31   26 Aug 2009
Get the fixed update skytown2, since this map is missing several textures in vQ3.
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X/-\ERO unregistered
#30   07 Sep 2007
lololololololololol heapz cooool map....=D
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not entered unregistered
#29   04 Jun 2004
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not entered unregistered
#28   04 Jun 2004
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+JuggerNaut+ unregistered
#27   07 Sep 2002
map has some good ideas but seems the first version was VERY beta. the mapping community at the Quake3World map editing forum would have saved you alot of the technical difficulties you had with this map.
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Todtsteltzer unregistered
#26   21 Aug 2002
Yep, Skytown2 works really fine :).

Bots have some probs still, but the corrected version surely deserves the 9.

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Anton unregistered
#25   20 Aug 2002

Skytown2 is submitted.

No more fixes...

I hope all works fine now.

All info is in readme.

Personal & VERY BIG thanks to 'pjw' :)

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Anton unregistered
#24   17 Aug 2002
Serega, progolosoval bi, chto li... :)

Reiting nujen :)

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seregak unregistered
#23   16 Aug 2002
Bla bla bla...=))
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Anton unregistered
#22   16 Aug 2002
Blurr, I just downloaded your 'well of time' - it so cool, that I haven't words.

Not a good gameplay for me ('cause I like open maps - without corridors, hideouts, etc.) and also because we playind 1 on 1 at LAN, always.

So it's too big for me.

But the whole idea is great.

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Anton unregistered
#21   16 Aug 2002
Returning to old pointrelease means quake reinstalling?

I have 1.31 now, and only 1.17 worked good for me before.

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Blurr unregistered
#20   15 Aug 2002
I want to say first off that, with flaws aside, Skytown is great. Kind of like what I was trying to do with 'Well of Time.' I had a similar problem of missing textures with my water. No matter what I did, the texture was missing on other computers. I had to finally include the water textures in my level and make an entry in the shader file. The skybox line problem seems to have surfaced with the later point releases. Try an earlier version and the lines will disappear.
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Anton unregistered
#19   13 Aug 2002
Ok, I almost finished skytown2, without errors I hope.

I'll submit it in a day or two.

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Shagz unregistered
#18   12 Aug 2002
First - coo map, too bad 'bout the errors, but nice to see a space map that isn't set in...well, 'space'. :)

Second - I have the same problems with the skybox borders on my ATI card. I think it's a video card problem, I've seen people complaining about the same thing in other places (including LVL's forums). Doesn't look like anyone has an answer, but I'll look around...

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Anton unregistered
#17   12 Aug 2002
You're right, Meatboy Dog food.

But different people have different favours, though...

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Meatboy Dog food unregistered
#16   11 Aug 2002
You get a full reveiw when you stop dumping garbage onto the screen. Skytown is a fine map that just needs some tweaking before it went out the door. So it deserves a good reveiw. Utopia was garbage that should not have seen the light of day hence the reveiw it received.
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Shithead unregistered
#15   11 Aug 2002
Thanks Anton ;)
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Anton unregistered
#14   11 Aug 2002
same "black lines" problem at my radeon, too.

but it's all ok with speed..

(at P III 800, 256 ram)

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a guy unregistered
#13   11 Aug 2002
This map is hella choppy on my 1200MHz 256 ram. I dont know why. Also some missing textures. I have ATI radeon and I see those black lines mentioned before. I see it on all space maps, unless the skybox is all black.
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Anton unregistered
#12   11 Aug 2002
No it's ok.

I got your email.

I have map file at the office PC, but now I'm at home.

Just wait :)

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Shithead unregistered
#11   10 Aug 2002
Anton, I sent you an email 10 hours ago that bounced. Looks like the mail was rejected by your mail server as a spammer domain?
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Anton unregistered
#10   10 Aug 2002
Thanks pjw. I'll see what I can change/fix :)

Shithead - no problem, just let me fix all stuff here, and I'll send you *.map. (but please - "thanks Anton" (+ my e-mail) in your readme woul be good enough :p )

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Shithead unregistered
#9   10 Aug 2002
Hey Anton, thats a cool map. You wouldnt be willing to share your .map so I can make it a Painkeep Arena map would you? I want no credit, full credit to you but it looks like a fun map for the mod I play alot.
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pjw unregistered
#8   10 Aug 2002
You have mail.

I'm not sure what to do about the black lines on the skybox though . . .

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pjw unregistered
#7   10 Aug 2002
I'll check on the texture problem sometime today, and see exactly what the problem is, and try to mail you some more feedback as well. :)
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Anton unregistered
#6   10 Aug 2002
BTW, anyone knows how to remove black lines from skybox edges?

(they appears om some cards, (Ati radeon). But at home PC I have savage4, and there are no lines... Also - any lines at nVidia cards.


Fixing bugs in skytown now...

If somebody interested - I'll release it again as I'll finish.

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Anton unregistered
#5   10 Aug 2002
bluegoal.tga, right. + modified shader to make it non solid.

All this are in pk3.

This texture is not missing at 4 computers on which I tested the map.

3 of them have q3radiant/gtkradiant installed, another one - no. Just Quake with no other stuff.

Strange... Very strange.

Any solution on how to make this textures appear in any computer?

Sloping sides - ...yeah, I understood that it's a bit annoying after submitting the map.

Remove BFG - no, no.. I like it :)

And flight shoud be too, because it's some kind of alternative communication between islands. Who knows..

Maybe I'll make skytown2 soon :)

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pjw unregistered
#4   09 Aug 2002
This map, in my opinion, could have been very cool, but was marred by some serious flaws, such as:

missing textures,

mega and RA right next to one another

those annoying slopey pedistals that items sit on that make the player bounce around (you can fix this by enclosing them in a clip box that's the same height, but without the sloping sides)

And, yeah, the loss of the BFG and flight wouldn't be a bad thing.

Here's another vote for you working on it a little more and doing a re-release. :)

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not entered unregistered
#3   09 Aug 2002


both are missing here in my pristine q3 install, so they are actually missing

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Anton unregistered
#2   09 Aug 2002
Thanks for review, Meatboy .

Finally - a true review of my map, which (the map) doesn't sucks :)

(remember "utopia"?) :)

I just wondering why there are textures missing on screenshot..? (teleporters textures). There should be an "energy pad" texture from "common", including modified shader in pk3 too...


Also, I wanted to work with this map a bit more, but I lost all ideas here and decided to release it "as is" :)

Now I'm stuck with a remake of Kokiri Forest from Zelda64. Too hard... but it will be finished one time :]

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Meatboy Dogfood unregistered
#1   08 Aug 2002
Like the map and hope to see you continue to produce. Your mapping skill grows with each release. Keep Going.
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