sparth by nunuk
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sedawkgrep Rep. 701
#23   27 Mar 2024
The slow respawn of the railgun makes this basically unplayable 1v1.
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#22   09 May 2021
Gorgeous! Perhaps the most unique bouncer textures+effects I've seen in a map. Love the location of RG. Plays very well.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#21   07 Jan 2012
Looks like a candy cane island :P.
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RedOne Rep. 97
#20   14 Aug 2010
I didnt like it too much. The style is good, but i didnt like the gameplay. I REALLY like sniping with the railgun, maybe this is why i didnt liked it
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andora unregistered
#19   29 Apr 2003
a great entertainer thanks nunuk
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me unregistered
#18   06 Aug 2002
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Octovus unregistered
#17   29 Mar 2002
Thanks haste (and SuX0r :-) )
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#16   29 Mar 2002
Yeah RS, I was actually thinking the same thing as Octovus when I read your comment. If you don't want people asking questions like that you should try not to contradict yourself in your comments: "you didn't expect much", odd considering you like his other maps eh? Just as an aside I'd take his opinion over yours anyday. Sorry for taking up the message board with this shite everybody. Later!
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haste unregistered
#15   28 Mar 2002
Wow RS - got a bee in your butt? I've worked with Octovus in the past and he's one of the most fair-minded people I know. Chances are if he asked you a question, it wasn't meant to be rude.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Octovus on this one and give it a 7 because it's Nanuk. I saw some cracks in brush seams, z-fighting on the bouncepads, and a few other things that didn't look quite right. Dare I say that it looked a little sloppy? (/me recoils in horror at accusing Nanuk of that)

Personally, I'd like to see more rail on this map, as it's so large and has so many escape routes that the other weapons become much less effective. That's just me, though, and doesn't count in my scoring.

Sweet map, though.

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ResidentSCUM unregistered
#14   28 Mar 2002
Let me try to explain this to you dear Octopussy since you took the time out of your miserable life to comment. I am not a space map fan. However, I do like the style Nunuk has in his SPACE MAPS so I gave it a try. Go screw. End of topic. Still like the map even if your "expert" opinion is only a 7.

:^) RS

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Octovus unregistered
#13   26 Mar 2002
Er, most of his maps are space maps, aren't they? Or at least that's what he's known for (though I guess there's Platypus and Batcula now!)
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ResidentSCUM unregistered
#12   26 Mar 2002
Not being a big space map fan I didn't expect much, but I do enjoy the author's levels so I gave it a try. Very nice indeed and I did enjoy the weapon balance. I have not played with humans on this level yet, but would enjoy doing so I'm sure. I read the comments below and I don't believe there is enough ammo for the RG to rule for long or if there are 3-4 players in the level. Great job, this one makes the home LAN.


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Pure Imaginary unregistered
#11   26 Mar 2002
The idea is to get the Railgun when you are not vulnerable. So long as you have plenty of health and armor (or have your opponent off at a safe distance), the other player can at best just tag you with a spam rocket before the surprise element wears off. There should be a risk in getting important weapons of a map...
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Octovus unregistered
#10   26 Mar 2002
You mean when you come out of the teleporter?
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*papri-K* unregistered
#9   26 Mar 2002
PI, I mean that if I want to get the RG, you can rape me after spawning (with any weap you want)
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Pure Imaginary unregistered
#8   25 Mar 2002
papri-K, the Railgun respawns once every two minutes and only has 10 slugs, so you can't rape with the Rail forever (besides, the Railgun is not always the best weapons to rape with, anyway).
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*papri-K* unregistered
#7   25 Mar 2002
yeah great map. I have one compliant regarding the spawn after getting the RG, kinda easy to spawn-rape, right?
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snickelfritz unregistered
#6   24 Mar 2002
Geez nunuk, everytime you release a map, I get schooled!

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null unregistered
#5   23 Mar 2002
ouch.. everytime nunuk releases a map it hurts my eyes sweetly.. so i guess size doesn't matter..?
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Panzer unregistered
#4   22 Mar 2002
Hey Nunuk, I love the custom textures and the weird geometry. It's the geometry alone that keeps me coming back to your site. Kinda small compared to your other maps, but indredible work! 2 Thumbs up!
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#3   22 Mar 2002
Mmmmm, nice typo down there. Oops :D.
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#2   22 Mar 2002
Fun map, like the slow railgun spwaning. Just being pedantic (please excuse me) there is also the rocket jump to RA which is kinda fun. It's nice to have a space map which isn't totally dominated by RG anyway :). I'm giving it an 8 :p.
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Octovus unregistered
#1   22 Mar 2002
It's a nunuk map...but, not up to his usual caliber. Not that it was intended that way; after all, he only spent a very small amount of time on it. Which just goes to show you how talented he is, because the map's still perfectly ok. 7/10 just because it's from Nunuk, but from your average person this'd merit an 8 or 9 easily...
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