Home of the gamer
Home of the gamer by Fiesling
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#17   12 Jul 2012
@SW12: Ahem! She's not topless, she's wearing a low cut top for your information :). And yes I do have a mad fantasy about Megan Fox :D.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#16   12 Jul 2012
@FragTastic: As if you don't? Coming from someone parading around the whole site with a pic of a topless Megan Fox. ;)
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#15   12 Jul 2012
@SW12: O.e I see someone has a little dirty fancy ;).
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#14   11 Jul 2012
I will admit. The reason I first downloaded this map was the picture aswell.
Regardless, the map was good. But my vote will compare it to the other "giant" maps IMO 6/10
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#13   11 Jul 2012
This one is much better than your other one since you have more space to move and a lot more places to explore. The painting on the wall caught my eye the first time I saw it :P Lol jk. Going on the shelf was the best because you could camp there with the railgun all the time and bots won't find you up the except for Xaero :). 9.5/10
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99ymx Rep. 118
#12   22 Apr 2012
This map is based on ENTE's construction.
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#11   22 Nov 2010
@Ojion: (you too like the legend of earthsea, i'm right? ^^) If you wanna find it try to unbsp the map ;)
usually i'll do it where there 're secrets that i can't find like in "liquid carbon" of Charon :) I looked for hours searching the way to reach the secret room... un-compiling the map was quite easy ^^
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Kaleo Rep. 40
#10   10 Nov 2008
What? No D&D board? :S
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Ojion unregistered
#9   29 Jan 2006
Maybe I'm blind, but even with noclip I was unable to find the BFG10k in this map. Any clues?
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Nightraven unregistered
#8   17 Oct 2003
I like this map and everything but whats with the chic in the backround......it`s quite disturbing.
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carolyn unregistered
#7   23 Dec 2002
i cant get this game to work, in the consule i typed: /map gamershome, is that right? if not what the heck do i do?

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Gyro unregistered
#6   17 Jun 2002
Awesome map inside comp. two quads every gun just awesome
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Fiesling unregistered
#5   09 Mar 2002
Ah great, it finally got reviewed.

For all guys who like the map and want to see an update, ican tell you the map will be part of the forthcomming PADMOD (world of Padman). It comes with new textures, better performance, new mapobjects and no bugs. ;)

This was my second map ever, and so there will be many improvements in the padmod version.

See more of the Padmod at: www.planetpadman.com/

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??? unregistered
#4   08 Mar 2002
Ok... I just thought it might have been an update.
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Pure Imaginary unregistered
#3   08 Mar 2002
???, these levels don't get review immediately (yet). Review delays are natural until the queue is cleared, and yes, progress is being made.
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??? unregistered
#2   08 Mar 2002
Uh... Is this an update to home of the gamer? I've had this several monthes now.

It's a great level!!!

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*)I(*FreggeL unregistered
#1   08 Mar 2002
Good work Fliesling!

only one thing the teleport by the window form box 2 box doesnt work verry wel! but great level!

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