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Akuma's map is the best in terms of gameplay (but has a horrible bug... walk behind the RG and you will see). Juz's map (screenshot) has a nice design but poor connectivity. A shame because it could have been an instant classic! Watt's CTF is cool too. Mr's map had potential too but needed some retouches. Myth's map has a strong RA3 feeling and I got the impression of seeing an improved version of it elsewhere. It would play great in such mod.
Everything else is a waste of time.
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Excellent to see what can be accomplished in 1 week. It allows for final bug testing & map fixes when everything else is at it's final stage. Excellent example of speed mapping at it's best! Start your download engines everyone!
Edited 43 seconds after the original posting.
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Juz has taken the Q3 "simple items" concept and has used this to startling effect in developing his own custom location markers on a classy map that makes effective use of geocomp textures. item placement is considered and restrained. so the railgun and ra are located on the upper walkway overlooking the main atrium... the sniping power of the rail gun doesn't always have to be negated by placing it at the bottom! Besides it certainly isnt the first map to have the railgun placed up top. The layout, item balance and placement throughout the map seem to offset this nicely and there are some nice top bottom exchanges to be had between the railgun sniper and rl/lg. in the readme, juz is apologetic for the rushed item placement where i don't feel he needed to be. definately his best map (zero hour placing a close second - because of the teleport camping that tends to be found there). jher's clockwork rush is a hoot of a tourney allowing plenty of opportunity to round the corner and lob a grenade in your opponents head - ah, the grenade launcher as a powerful close range weapon - who would have thought! - sweet!
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#20 02 Feb 2002
Yup I realised that after I had noticed I missed Rayden's completely (when I was writing out the names on a piece of note paper). Sorry, I guess you can see how I got the impression? As it was, I found it a bit stretched out, though the basic idea was quite interesting...
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#19 01 Feb 2002
WHY release ALL of these Maps ?
as to read down there.. and I saw that by myself.. some Maps wouldn't even play... I could even spawn in some of them ...
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#18 31 Jan 2002
Octovus: My map wasn't CTF at all, it was DM all the way. It just ended up being mirrored to give it the size I wanted when I started running out of time. Ummm.. it could work as ctf if it had flags though.
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#17 31 Jan 2002
Yup I do realise verb (whether you were referring to my score or whatever), but if they get submitted to a review site I'll comment on 'em as such! (Though of course no dissing authors too heavily :-p)
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#16 31 Jan 2002
yes, Cheese!
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#15 31 Jan 2002
can you say cheese?
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#14 31 Jan 2002
can you say cheese?
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#13 31 Jan 2002
People should realise that this isn't a pack put together to show the best maps made in a week. The pack is all the maps made by people who entered the TurtleMap 1 challenge.
Therefore variable quality is inevitable. We call them turtlemaps becuase most of the people involved come from the speedmapping group where participants only get 1 hour!
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#12 30 Jan 2002
I promise this is my last post here. Forgot mr's last night.
Mr: Cool layout with a three tier style map, nice construction with lots of poles, vertical transitions...unfortunately it's a bit hard to get up to the top for grabbing some of the nicer weapons and flow gets a bit stuck in the bottom. (7/10)
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#11 29 Jan 2002
Didn't play rayden's either, the only reason I played amph's was because it wasn't very obvious that it was CTF :-
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#10 29 Jan 2002
Hrewty: I played the seperately released version of this and so didn't bother actually playing the tm version, but the layout and item placement look very similar and the version I did play was mighty enjoyable (8/10).
Jher: A pretty boring clockwork droid texture set (too many maps are using that imho) though it's technically amazing for the time period, the gameplay falls flat especially with bots. (6/10)
Juz: My hopes for this were kind of disappointed, though the architecture was very impressive considering the time limit; the map was way open and didn't play as well as it could have. (7/10)
Monsto: Playing this in DM yielded one spawnpoint, can we say ouch? (4/10).
Myth: Cool map, a nice layout but the bots focus way too much on the little LG hallway (8/10).
Systemkrash: Fitting name it wouldn't even run in dm on my system (with sv_pure 0 - I did get it to run in CTF) (Not scored but it is affecting the pack's score).
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#9 29 Jan 2002
To start: this gets a 7 from me. Some maps would get 10s, some would get 4s, and they each get a one-liner below. Note that I played all maps in FFA (except watt's which I didn't play at all) because my memory was not up to par on which was which..maybe in future turtle packs include ctf in front or after the author's name?
AD5: The most classic of the bunch, a simple gothic style map that you would expect of a beginning mapper but which is rather impressive for the once week schedule. (7/10)
Akuma: This is the most impressive one for sure, it's got layout, looks, gameplay...wow, this would be good even with no deadline! (10/10)
Amphetamine: Playing this as DM it was ok, though the weapons were rather drawn out and quad was annoying to get, I imagine much the same could be said of CTF but I won't score it.
Asnagrim: Ouch, the missing textures hurt, and the level itself was kinda lacking with too little flow, it had cool ideas though (6/10).
Rest after to avoid getting cut off.
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not entered
#8 29 Jan 2002
I cant begin to judge a map's playabilty when it's fullbright, afterall, the lighting is a very important part of the map. perhaps I'm jaded but I like dark maps ;)
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#7 29 Jan 2002
hmm this is funny...
some KICKASS maps mixed up with some really poor stuff.. HQ mixed ... some even lack textures... ouch.. one won't play with cpma ... Yes I "call that a comment" ;0)
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#6 28 Jan 2002
yeah..tm4 I will finish a map!
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#5 28 Jan 2002
Roll on TM4 ;D
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#4 28 Jan 2002
Although Rayden's is fullbright, it is actually one of the best playing maps in the pak (imho)
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#3 28 Jan 2002
Rayden is fullbright. Some missing textures in another map. Might wanna pull this pack and re-release it with the proper files.
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#2 28 Jan 2002
3 just finished
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#1 28 Jan 2002
What TM are you guys at now, 3 or 4? :)
I guess its good that it finally made it out though. There are some quality maps in there for only being a week.
Good job you guys!
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