Also not to mention there had been a few unfair reviews to well-done maps that would get buried by your proposal...
Edited 2.4 hours after the original posting.
Then there is the "Featured Maps" - - With the Featured Maps, I've been slowly working my way from the first to the last. Currently at end of 2003.
P.S. is there a chance of inputing the negative votes here? ;D
Edited 5.09 hours after the original posting.
I prefer playing many of those experimental creative 'first' maps from the early days more than a conformant promode borefest. There's something about them...
Edited 46 seconds after the original posting.
Anyway, I was talking olny about separation, not removing. Perhaps, only on the basis of "beauty" (texturing, design - this way).
This is not a problem for me to search among the "top" maps. :-)
Edited 21.12 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 16 seconds after the original posting.
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