Why not to move the levels with verdict "not worth to download" or so, to separate cathegory?
Started by Obsessed
Obsessed Rep. 691
#1   31 Jan 2018
I may be biased, but I'm visiting lvlworld to look at the level design. Someone - to download a map to play. And who is looking for THESE maps? =) Especially those "not worth" that are made in 2000-2001.
leilei Rep. 443
#2   02 Feb 2018
Taste is subjective. If you really want what's considered the absolute cream of the crop from then, just grab the LvL packs.

Also not to mention there had been a few unfair reviews to well-done maps that would get buried by your proposal...

Obsessed Rep. 691
#3   02 Feb 2018
@ leilei , I just think that a small cleaning is appropriate, but the decision can still be made only by the administration of the resource. ;-) I've seen lots of crappy maps when looking for an interesting one. In 2000 many people tried themselves in level making, but.. :-) Оf course, no one can guarantee that these maps aren't still remembered and beloved by their authors.. :D

Edited 2.4 hours after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#4   04 Feb 2018
As well as the Map Packs as leilei pointed out, there has always been the "Top Maps" section - lvlworld.com/topmaps - based on user votes (minimum of 10 votes).

Then there is the "Featured Maps" - lvlworld.com/featured/ - With the Featured Maps, I've been slowly working my way from the first to the last. Currently at end of 2003.

Obsessed Rep. 691
#5   05 Feb 2018
@ Tig, thank you, "Top maps" seems to be a suitable alternative to "Surprise me"!

P.S. is there a chance of inputing the negative votes here? ;D

Edited 5.09 hours after the original posting.

leilei Rep. 443
#6   06 Feb 2018
In 2000 many people tried themselves in level making, but.. :-)

I prefer playing many of those experimental creative 'first' maps from the early days more than a conformant promode borefest. There's something about them...

Obsessed Rep. 691
#7   06 Feb 2018
@ leilei, I'm not asking about any kind of removing them from here. :-) Maybe even vice versa - someone could find pure original ideas (in this cathegory) to use on own map. These levels are teeming with them.
Vicarious Rep. 168
#8   28 Feb 2018
Don't be afraid to try out a map that dosent look interesting. Some of them can suprise you and ive played maps with bad ratings that stay on my hard drive lol. But then again, its all preference.

Edited 46 seconds after the original posting.

Tetzlaff Rep. 283
#9   05 Apr 2018
That's true, some "bad" maps have interesting ideas or can be useful for mods. I have a box maps folder on my hard drive where I downloaded all kind of one-roomed box maps to use them with the Railgun-only mod Corkscrew.
Obsessed Rep. 691
#10   10 Apr 2018
@ Vicarious, Tetzlaff, six clicks on "Surprise me", and I got this:
of course, there's no need to separate them from such maps:
but I want to ask: if almost everyone hangs on trendy maps only (dm6, q2dm1, campgrounds, blood run, t7, etc), how many people in 2018 are interested in such, that are NOT well played and nicely designed? ;-)

Anyway, I was talking olny about separation, not removing. Perhaps, only on the basis of "beauty" (texturing, design - this way).
This is not a problem for me to search among the "top" maps. :-)

Edited 21.12 minutes after the original posting.

Obsessed Rep. 691
#11   18 Apr 2018
@Tig, btw, this looks very nice! much more convenient. :-)

Edited 16 seconds after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#12   18 Apr 2018
@Obsessed. Thanks, working to get the whole site moved over to the new look. If you find any bugs or issues, let me know.
gooball Rep. 1161
#13   19 Apr 2018
Wow, I didn't even notice that new style, very nice indeed!
Obsessed Rep. 691
#14   23 May 2018

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