Beta forum notes
Started by Tig
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#21   03 Jul 2011
One more thing about reviews: I noticed most of the older maps didn't have videos to represent their gameplay before people decide to download the maps.

Would it be possible to submit for them?

Or if you could do it when you find the time for it? Simply out of my curiosity.

Tig Rep. 1742
#22   03 Jul 2011
If you send in demos for the older maps, I'll convert them to videos add them when I get the time.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#23   03 Jul 2011
Okay, but how could I send in a demo? I mean, the only submissions are for maps. I guess if you intercept it and add it to one of the maps?
Tig Rep. 1742
#24   03 Jul 2011
Well, if you use the contact form on the site and include a download link to the demos I can download them.

Alternatively you can send me a message (again from the contact form) and I'll send you a reply (if you include your email address), then you can send me the demos as an attachment in another reply if you like.

CZghost Rep. 1681
#25   20 Aug 2011
I've created thread, but forum cannot display my thread. Thread is named "Video doesn't support sound".

It only shows:

Opps! Something is not right.
How about you try the forum index instead.
PaN61 Rep. 393
#26   21 Aug 2011
CZghost, I have emailed Tigger-oN about the issue and I should be getting a reply via email and you should be getting a replay via the forum or any other electronic communication clients (such as email).
Tig Rep. 1742
#27   22 Aug 2011
Cool, thanks guys.

The video issue with the audio has been fixed. The forum bug will be fixed soon. I removed the thread that had the issue.

The forum bug has been corrected now.
Edited 8.88 hours after the original posting.

CZghost Rep. 1681
#28   23 Aug 2011
Thank you. Now I can make threads with questions away from my head ;)
raspatan Rep. 4556
#29   12 Mar 2021
Happy 10 year LvL Forum! (last 5 Jan, to be precise). So, there was no forum during the first 10 years of LvL?
Takkie Rep. 1808
#30   12 Mar 2021
No, the first 10+ years people ranted in the comments sections ;) I like to read those old comments now and then. There are some real gems of conversations, flamewars and debates hidden in there.
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