Winter chill
Title : winter chill
Date : 18th December 2002
Filename : map_nodm4.pk3
Author : Rich "swelt" Jacques
Email Address : **email removed**
Website :

Description : Quake III Arena level designed for CPM
Team DeathMatch

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- Play Information -
: Make sure you have Quake III point release 1.32 or later.
: Ensure you have CPMA version 99x or later
: Extract map_nodm4.pk3 from the zip into quake3/baseq3 folder.
: EITHER Use All Seeing Eye to find a dedicated server running
: the map or play bots. /map nodm4

- Level Information -
Game type : tdm/ffa
Single Player : Yes
Player load : 4-8, 2v2, 4v4
Weapons : Plenty (Varies)
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Textures creditted below)
New Models : No

- Construction -
Editors used : Q3Radiant v202
Utilities used : Q3Map, Editpad

- Notes -

This map is optimised for CPMA TDM. Included in the PK3 are 3 alternate
item configs:
!nodm4a for removes the Railgun, adds an extra shotgun
!nodm4b replaces Invis with BS
!nodm4bfg replaces Rail with BFG

This is the fourth in the series of maps dedicated to CPM Clan Nobles
#nobles on irc.quakenet /
More this way cometh...

- Credits -
: id Software for Quake/Quake2/Quake3.
: Clan Nobles and Clan Ass for playtesting
: The CPM Forum Crew for feedback (esp. rmIon)
: evillair for his gothic textures (Evil Set 8)
**invalid URL**
: Randy Reddig for his Majestic textures
: Sock for his ownage skybox
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: Meanrabbit for the plat sound
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: Hed Kandi for providing me with inspirational music and a title
: EVERYONE who has played this level, cheers!

- Links -

CPMA Homepage

- Copyright / Permissions -
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of
commercial product without permission from the author. You may
not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means,
including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author. thx.
