Dreamcast Maps (..::LvL Edition)
Dreamcast Maps (..::LvL Edition) by Various
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LynXsh Rep. 40
#62   17 days ago
@Tig: thanks for the clarification!
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Tig Rep. 2472
#61   17 days ago
@LynXsh : Nice catch. Review has been updated to make it a lot clearer.

Short answer is: the patch from Jamster is not required with the current download.

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LynXsh Rep. 40
#60   17 days ago
a quick question.
the Review page has:
Update - A number of issues were pointed out by FistMarine. The current download fixes all known issues. (28th May, 2012)
sooo... do I still have to grab the "dc-mappackpatch" by Jamster or is the fix already included?
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rYz3n Rep. 33
#59   29 Aug 2022
@Kannibal: Here is the link for nine split-screen maps (DC_SS401 to DC_SS409) that you may look for: ws.q3df.org/maps/
I personally think the reason they were not included simply because they are not worth trying: the developers had to reduce the number of polygons displayed in these maps in order to support split-screen
BTW, perhaps you would like to check the remastered version of Agony (DC_SS405): lvlworld.com/review/id:2236
Edited 22 seconds after the original posting.
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Kannibal unregistered
#58   08 Aug 2022
Is there a reason Sega didn't include the splitscreen maps? they would have been cool to have even if they were on the simple side.
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rYz3n Rep. 33
#57   08 Apr 2022
It is worth mentioning that there is another Mod DB edition by Quake4ever2007 (www.moddb.com/mods...mcast-map-pack1), which adds Q3DM0 map (renamed as DC_MAP1) back, complete longnames of all maps, fixed shaders, updated textures, corrected bot names same as the Dreamcast version for four pro-maps, and more importantly, the HQ soundtrack from the port (IMO, much zippier than the original ID Software's). It, however, excludes 4 CTF maps, unlike LvL edition here.
Therefore, by copying and pasting the patch file pak1.pk3 created by me (drive.google.com/f...QJoI19DJOZ/view) into lvl-DCpack directory, and then simply unzipping dc_mappack.pk3 from Mod DB edition in the very same directory, one can merge two editions together to get an ultimate gaming experience. The aforementioned runs perfectly with Quake3e engine (on Linux); with ioquake3, bounce pads' textures in DC_MAP8, DC_MAP23 and DC_MAP24 are either missing or mis-rendered.
Edited 6.99 hours after the original posting.
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#56   09 May 2021
@Tig Perhaps it would be great to add the new maps to the site for single review. New maps are:
6 (Blue Monday)
7 (Hidden Fortress, now a classic QL map)
8 (Dark Chapel)
15 (Gaze of the Abyss)
17 (Evil Playground)
23 (Blast Radius, ctf)
24 (Fallout Bunker, ctf)
Personally, I found 6 a nice little tourney map, albeit a bit too simple. 7 is a well-known QL map, a classic!. Didn't like the rest very much to be honest. CTF maps are particularly awful.
Edited 17 seconds after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#55   10 Apr 2018
@Dovahboi : Just checked, and the downloaded package and files work for me. No issue loading the bots in the single player mode. Can you confirm the issue with a clean install and where you have extracted the package files to?
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Dovahboi unregistered
#54   08 Apr 2018
everything seems to work but when i play the single player (or campaign) mode bots wont load into my game when their supposed to can you help me please? ;-;
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Colton Rep. 397
#53   05 Jun 2016
Tig, I also noticed that loop_innertube.wav is missing for maps like dc_map19 & dc_map24. Also, my version of this mappack now has the patch on here built into it.
Edited 23.73 hours after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#52   05 Jun 2016
@Colton: This is 100% an issue at your end. This is (again) how you test.

  1. Remove everything from your quake3 directory, (including all sub directories) except for the Quake 3 engine and all the pak0.pk3 to pak8.pk3 files in baseq3. Just place everything a temp folder so you can move it all back.
  1. You now have what is called a "clean install". Install just the lvl-dcpack.zip from this download.
  1. Load dc_map24.
You will get this result: lvlworld.com/lvl/dc_map24.jpg

If you get this result: lvlworld.com/lvl/dc_map24b.jpg the problem is at your end. There is nothing else to discuss.

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Colton Rep. 397
#51   05 Jun 2016
I do not have ss_maps.pk3. I avoided it like the plague Tig, mainly because of the shader conflicts/errors. And also because of the many texture conflicts between that and the PC Q3. I fixed them all in my version of the mappack. There was supposed to be a shader that looked exactly like the one over on the blue side, but red for the red side on dc_map24, but it wasn't included in this pack. That shader name was supportctfred_rept, & trust me, it looks pretty cool. And it requires envmap_red.tga.
Edited 32.25 minutes after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#50   05 Jun 2016
@Colton: Problem at your end and found. You have the Dreamcast "ss_maps.pk3" installed. There is a shader error in that PK3 which is throwing a texture in dc_map24.

This "ss_maps.pk3" is NOT part of the download from ..::LvL, so as sst13 and I said, the issue is at your end.

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Colton Rep. 397
#49   05 Jun 2016
sst13, the missing texture issue actually exists because of a missing shader issue in dc_clientpak.shader, called supportctfred_rept. It's already fixed in my version of the mappack. I already extracted that texture out to a JPEG using the PVR viewer on Sega Retro, & included dc_map01 and the ss maps, including the ss_20x maps in my version of the mappack. All it needs now is the music for all the maps, which is also missing in this pack. soa.site.nfoserver...sound/ambience/ has one of the missing ambient sounds in this pack, named "loop_innertube.wav". EDIT: The loop_innertube.wav from Team Arena seems to be more relevant than the one linked here, but it's still linked for your convenience.
EDIT2: Comparing the two, it seems that they're both the exact same, audio & all.
Edited 3.87 days after the original posting.
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sst13 Rep. 513
#48   05 Jun 2016
Tested the dc-mappack in a blank install. (quake3.exe + pak0.pk3...pak8.pk3 only) and found no missing textures in dc_map24. There is also no link in the dc_clientpak.shader or in any of the dc_map.bsp files to envmap_red.tga.

I guess there is some shader hijacking from another map on your end Colton.

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Colton Rep. 397
#47   04 Jun 2016
It's not at my end @Tig. I downloaded this fresh from the LvL server. It's missing that texture, & P.S. I mislead you with the wrong map. It was actually dc_map24 that has that missing texture, & it was related to a missing shader in the dc_clientpak.shader present in the original DC version, named supportctfred_rept. Sorry about that Tig. :(
Edited 11.71 hours after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#46   04 Jun 2016
@Colton: Missing texture is at your end (or I have the wrong map). I'll remove this comment and yours as it is misleading soon.
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Colton Rep. 397
#45   01 Jun 2016
I'm noticing a small issue with this mappack. It's missing the envmap_red.tga texture. One map in this pack (one of the CTF maps, to be exact) has a missing texture issue because of it. Tig has been notified of this issue.
Edited 3.06 days after the original posting.
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leilei Rep. 443
#44   12 May 2012
Technically all the maps are created by id software (save for a couple exclusives and the ss maps), and they were all reduced/tweaked/adjusted for the Dreamcast by Raster Productions who did the porting of the game.

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99ymx Rep. 128
#43   11 May 2012
@leilei: The dc_map01 map lacks of a mirror: Yes, detail loss: Yes
The dc_map01 was made by Id Software, Inc.
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leilei Rep. 443
#42   27 Apr 2012
that's because console players suck and fall into things. Raster Productions was right

also dc_map01 has a lot of detail loss differences to get it to 30fps on the dreamcast, there's even a lack of a mirror.

What maps that AREN'T included in the DC map pack are the ss_ maps which are very simple designed and feature broken skies (which they probably never noticed in testing as the PowerVR graphics chips always clear)
Edited: 27 Apr 2012 AEST

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99ymx Rep. 128
#41   22 Apr 2012
When the player fall down in dc_map19, he/she will teleported to spawn points.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#40   22 Apr 2012
Some DC maps are reworked original maps already in Q3 included (such as The Longest Yard - dc_map19)
Edited: 22 Apr 2012 AEST
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Tig Rep. 2472
#39   22 Apr 2012
dc_map01 is (as far as I know) a straight copy of the intro level with crash from the original Q3A release. I think from memory this is why it was not included in this download. Why would anyone want to re-download something they already have?

I may be wrong BTW, it has been a few years :]

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99ymx Rep. 128
#38   22 Apr 2012
The dc_map01 is unavailable in the ..::LvL, though it is available in q3a.ath.cx
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#37   09 Jun 2011
The DreamCast exclusive maps were very good, if not better than the stock Q3A maps. Hidden Fortress, while admittedly overplayed these days in QL, is still a great map with a genius layout and theme. Gaze of the Abyss is unique with its curvy architecture, making nade spam very effective. Blast Radius makes for fun small CTF games. Shame we dont have the latter two on QL yet.

I hope Pi Studios (or id, whoever is responsible) considers sharing the Quake Arena Arcade maps at some point in the future as well, as they look very good. But from what Ive heard it seems someone is planning on unofficially converting them by using the actual data from the port, though the project is incredibly obscure and theres not enough progress on it to say for sure that "it will be done". One can hope though... :)

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lol unregistered
#36   17 Apr 2010
@PaN61: When i type in console /sv_pure 0 it works!
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PaN61 Rep. 503
#35   17 Apr 2010
lol, check inside the q3tourney6.pk3 in the "maps" folder, if it has a .bsp and try typing in the console "/sv_pure 0" before typing "/map" or "/devmap and then the .bsp's name if there is one in the q3tourney.pk3.

Edited: 17 Apr 2010 AEST

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Tig Rep. 2472
#34   17 Apr 2010
@lol: If you love the game so much, go and buy it. The maps you have listed are all official ones. They will never be part of a downloadable pack on ..::LvL.
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PaN61 Rep. 503
#33   16 Apr 2010
Thanks again lol.


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lol unregistered
#32   16 Apr 2010
@PaN61: There are Quake 3 default maps in Dreamcast Maps is:
dc_map02: Arena Gate (q3dm1)
dc_map03: House of Pain (q3dm2)
dc_map04: Powerstation 0218 (q3tourney1)
dc_map05: Arena of Death (q3dm3)
dc_map09: The Place of Many Deaths (q3dm4)
dc_map10: The Forgotten Place (q3dm5)
dc_map11: The Campgrounds (q3dm6)
dc_map12: Fatal Instinct (q3tourney5)
dc_map13: Temple of Retribution (q3dm7)
dc_map14: Lost World (q3dm13)
dc_map16: The Proving Grounds (q3tourney2)
dc_map18: The Bouncy Map (q3dm16)
dc_map19: The Longest Yard (q3dm17)
dc_map20: Hell's Gate (q3tourney3)
dc_map21: Dueling Keeps (q3ctf1)
dc_map22: Space CTF (q3ctf4)


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PaN61 Rep. 503
#31   16 Apr 2010
Thanks lol.


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lol unregistered
#30   16 Apr 2010
@PaN61: There are few Quake 3 default maps.


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cityy Rep. 433
#29   17 May 2009
wow 5 minuts ago I noticed that dc_map06 is also a ql map Oo I have played it in ql instagib. Shame that there isn't a rail in the dreamcast version. This is fun on tourney or 1vs1 instagib!!
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cityy Rep. 433
#28   17 May 2009
'Hidden Fortress is a medium sized map with three main rooms - perfect for 6-10 player team deathmatch, clan arena and free for all gameplay.'


I think we don't have a new tourney map with this one. Don't know if they've changed item placement but it sounds like there wont be a tourney version.

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#27   17 May 2009
It's odd that they didn't add it into the Team Arena tourney maps with dc_map06, dc_map08, and dc_map17.
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cityy Rep. 433
#26   16 May 2009
ID made 'hidden fortress' or dc_map07 a quakelive map.
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Esteban unregistered
#25   14 Jun 2008
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!
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rep71Le unregistered
#24   05 Nov 2004
Those are maps from my "childhood" :) They are very well compiled and fun to play... I suppose, the best use for them is duel, as they aren't very big. Well placed items, not much detailed.. I love it :)

My english rocks o_0;

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puhaden unregistered
#23   04 Nov 2004
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FAUCHEUR "VDF" unregistered
#22   17 Mar 2002
Just great!!! The DC maps are so cool...It s good cause PC players will see that these maps are very good maps, even if PC maps are the best!I hope pc players will enjoy them...
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FRENZIC unregistered
#21   04 Aug 2001
Heh its nice to play the dreamcast maps in 32-bit colour where as the dreamcast can only produce 16-bit colour :P


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pickasso_reborn unregistered
#20   04 Aug 2001
I'm a big big fan of the Dreamcast version of Quake III, as people said it couldn't be done, and it's a fantastic conversion. Sure, there's some slight gameplay changes, but besides that, there are some absolutely superb maps in there, Abyss being one of my favs.

Shame about differences in frame rates/etc. over the DC-PC online playability, but the fact you can play another group of gamers is surely a pretty cool thing in itself. And c'mon, they're not exactly casual PS2 gamers... ^_^

PS2 maps I've seen look pretty cool too - will they ever see the light of day for PC though...?

Steve ;)~

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BigFreakinGun unregistered
#19   04 Aug 2001
The Longest Yard looks awesome with the new skybox. It also seems to have better graphics.

Too bad the best id map, Apocalypse Void, wasn`t in this DC pack. That would be a great skybox than just the pure black.

So many maps, mods, etc are WAAAY better than the original game. It tells you something when thrid party programmers can make a better game than id software. RA3 anyone?

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<|3FG20K> unregistered
#18   03 Aug 2001
I agree with you, but it looks like they put alot more effort into the gameplay than ID really did... Anyway, the server wasn't working properly so it's down now ladies and gents. =(
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StormShadow unregistered
#17   03 Aug 2001
Well, alot of the new maps are sweet, but about half of the maps are almost exactly the same as the original q3 version, only difference is terrible lighting (look at their version of dm6 - lol).

Anyway, some of the new maps are awsome, and its worth the dl...


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it290 unregistered
#16   02 Aug 2001
I doubt we'll be seeing the PS2

version's maps since it's offline only. Perhaps they'll be released though...we can only wait and see.

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Monaco unregistered
#15   02 Aug 2001
The Q3 remake lvls seem to have some of the fun taken out, as well as the lightmaps. But the DC original lvls are pretty cool.

I ABSOLUTLEY HATE the teleporter

save when you hit the fog, there goes one of my favorite strategies.

Too bad I gotta downgrade Q3 to whup on the DC people online.

7 points for 1 buttload of maps.

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Dark Cloud ,Knight Cloud unregistered
#14   02 Aug 2001
who has make these map from DC to PC?
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The Loader unregistered
#13   02 Aug 2001
nice compendium, even for pc :)
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nitin unregistered
#12   02 Aug 2001
spog's 'hidden fortress' is reason alone to d/l this.
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Deej unregistered
#11   02 Aug 2001
Great to be able to try this DC version, since I,ve never seen any DC game. After playing well over 500 q3.pk3's it's fab to check out the old originals with a slight difference. Let's hope in a few months we can get our itchy hands on a version of ps2's.

Let's get it on !

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Octovus unregistered
#10   01 Aug 2001
Gooo Johnny! ;-) I sometimes wish this board had a login just so I could delete my own idiotic-in-retrospect posts :-p


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Johnny Law unregistered
#9   01 Aug 2001
Blah, ignore me, ignore me... I found it. (map 7) And "Hidden Fortress" is the correct name BTW.

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Johnny Law unregistered
#8   01 Aug 2001
I remember my favorite map from DC Q3 being "Lost Fortress" (I think that was the name) and on a quick look through these maps I don't see it. Bit of a shame. If I'm not mistaken about that... then, any info on what was omitted and why?

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Octovus unregistered
#7   01 Aug 2001
Yummy! Over all, very nice. In most of the Dreamcast only maps, there was an abundance of curvy stairwells and interesting textures to attract the eye. Assuming these are unaltered from the Dreamcast versions, I am impressed. I expected the texture's resolutions to maybe be a little low, since I run q3 at 1024x768 (as I imagine many people do).

Stupid me, I can't remember numbers, but I really liked the Abyss map. The Dreamcast logo even snuck in their for some pimping, though since I don't own a Dreamcast yet, there's not much chance of my buying one at this point.

ajay: As a "PC-Only" person, I enjoyed the pack thoroughly. The exclusive new maps were certainly well done, though mostly not quite the calibre of Q3's default maps. Then again, there were 2 or 3 that were very impressive! There were also some that you'd have if you'd bought the PC's Team Arena, though I believe they feature some Team Arena weapons in that version.

The converted q3 maps were not so consistent (which is saying something, lol). Some had very nice changes in them, and almost all made a few size alterations that I agreed with. In many maps halls were widened or shrunk down to size, rounding out the weapons usage more.

The conversion of Q3Dm3: The Arena of Death, was probably my favorite. The Grenadelauncher area is one of the best examples of hall widening. It is now not deadly to go down there and grab the gl, because you're not as likely to fall victim to spam. I loved the addition of the quad; that level has always screamed for something in the middle of that floor, and the powerup did the trick nicely.

I too liked the vortex portals for when you fall off the edge of space maps. I never fell off on The Bouncy Map (q3dm18) conversion, so I don't know if only The Longest Yard (q3dm17) had this effect but either way it was cool. It adds a different strategy that you have to get used to, however, which is jumping off when you are about to die so that you can teleport away. The bots of course don't understand this and can't make any real use of it.

The last group of conversions were really aesthetic; q3dm6 (the camping grounds) is a prime example. Some lights were added on the middle floor, which were pretty, but not much else changed. Some other maps had textures and/or brush count reduced to make them playable on the Dreamcast, such as the q3dm7 (Temple of Retribution) conversion.

But over all, good fun! Nice to see these available to everyone, and several of the Dreamcast exclusive maps are really worth playing even just between PC gamers. And 8 from me :-)


P.S. I have my Q3 Cd-Key memorized from entering it for so many mods! Is that scary or what? :-p

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not entered unregistered
#6   01 Aug 2001
Nice boost on the framerates ( I really liked the "new" q3dm17), but otherwise a bit pointless-to me, I should add. A few sound hiccups too. Ill give it a 6.
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Quakeulf unregistered
#5   01 Aug 2001
These are nice map, but shame about the huge download...
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KrAkHeAd unregistered
#4   01 Aug 2001
theres nothing stopping you from playing these with the newest pr.

map 15 does rule

the space maps were a nice change and great for anyone who needs to know them better, of course falling over and just teleporting kinda totally alters the play on teh maps, but hey im not the kinda person who bitches non stop when something changes, its far too easy to just run around and slaughter em when they cant adapt ;)

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wviperw unregistered
#3   01 Aug 2001
love the new levels. Especialy dc_map07 like tig said. I think that is my favorite one. Nice textures too. I bet they would be nice to make a map with (hint, hint :)
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dzjepp unregistered
#2   01 Aug 2001
I've also played the DC version of Q3, online as well. This is a great map pack, consisting of maps that provide great dueling matches.

Personally, I wouldn't play these maps versus the DC crowd. There not that bad at Q3, but since the protol there is at 1.16, there are a lot of PC ppl that just love and cant stand not to cheat. Auto-aim, etc., you name it. (Considering that its easy to get those old 1.16 cheats). Another issue is that of the framerate; most PC ppl will enjoy a considerably better framerate when playing versus Dreamcast, since it maxes out at 50 something frames (and can bog down to the 30's in some 4 player matches).

The only PC players that will be playing vs. the DC crowd are those that lack any real skill; taking advantage of all the items I outlined above, in my opinion.

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ajay unregistered
#1   01 Aug 2001
As someone's who played the dreamcast version almost as much as the pc version; I was really looking forward to this release. One thing I was interested in was whether or not the space maps would keep their no-risk teleporting back to safety feature, they do and the effect is just as cool as the dc version.

Btw what do pc-only ppl think of this?

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