PadGallery (DeLuxe Version)
PadGallery (DeLuxe Version) by ENTE
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#10   09 Aug 2020
spoiler alert:

regen accessible from security desk in foyer

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yourleftnut unregistered
#9   14 Nov 2019
another secret is in the bathroom. go into the first stall (from the top)
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quakesn1per Rep. 123
#8   23 May 2013
Fun map and the ability to switch out the paintings makes it unique as well!
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Alex unregistered
#7   05 Jun 2011
Nice map, but how do you go to that Quad Damage thing?
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tombot unregistered
#6   04 Sep 2003
one secret is in a high up box in the garage
and the other is in the top of the closed cubicle
thats all i could find

one complaint though

and yes I do own a playstaion two

I am not biased
(i only have the one)
( /)

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Corporate ZIM unregistered
#5   01 Oct 2002
A very good map...secret and hidden items are harder to locate than in Padshop or Padspace. Great for 4 to 8 players.
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sprag unregistered
#4   31 Jul 2001
A great map!!! Very, very creative and alot of fun with 10 bots. Wow!!!
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sprag unregistered
#3   31 Jul 2001
A great map!!! Very, very creative and alot of fun with 10 bots. Wow!!!
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MrBean unregistered
#2   30 Jul 2001
Like all Pad maps it's a great looking map. Different than anything else out there and fun. The map does have a very small playability problem in that bots tend to gather in the room with the two stairways and battle it out there. It's not a huge problem and really I'm being picky on that as i've even battled it out with bots in the restroom (not a lot of room in there for a fire fight) so the bots don't really just sit in one spot. One neat thing with this gallery is you can also swap out the paintings. I replaced all the paintings in the museum with Doctor Who pictures and made it a Doctor Who museum. For most map makers this would be a high 10 score but we're talking Padman here so I give him a 9. Grab this map!
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Whiskey 7 unregistered
#1   26 Jul 2001
perfect as always

well worth the download !!

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