Deep Space 1
Deep Space 1 by cyberhazard
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#11   03 Feb 2015
Original layout, gameplay is good. Too bad the bots are orientated to the center of the level but with enough of them you can get a decent game with them. Thumbs up!
Edited 1.54 days after the original posting.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#10   28 Jan 2012
Worth checking
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#9   06 Jan 2012
Impressive map :P.
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Pato Rep. 5
#8   22 Nov 2010
good map
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Brian unregistered
#7   21 Nov 2010
The Final Mission Part 1
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Brian unregistered
#6   13 Sep 2010
The Laboratory The Mission Control Part 1
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skOre unregistered
#5   31 Jul 2001
The skybox is OK

But there are some curve-mistakes (sorry german-sucker...don't know how to write it)

But looks quite nice

A 5 from me

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Knight Cloud unregistered
#4   24 Jul 2001
The skybox is not good ,It look like you are in huge box.
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hth unregistered
#3   24 Jul 2001
Looks real good. Brushwork and detailing is very good. Would like to see more maps in this style.

Lighting could be brighter in my opinion.

Like the layout, the map's enjoyable to play, the small size makes it so that it being symmetrical doesn´t matter. I think the item placement is functional at best though.

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The Loader unregistered
#2   22 Jul 2001
nice place but too simple :|

a 5 from me

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Knight Cloud unregistered
#1   22 Jul 2001
The skybox is bad.
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