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#4 03 Jan 2011
I agree this map does seem like a mix of q3ctf1 and q3ctf3. Its a fun map, I just thought the fog covering the lava in the bases were kinda ugly and a lightning gun in the center ground would have made things much more interesting. I give an 8/10
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#3 28 May 2001
devmap mapname
r_speeds 1
r_showtris 1
this will help to show you just what is being drawn by the graphics engine - it takes no time at all to read the display produced by these in game tools.
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#2 28 May 2001
Sorry about the r_speeds. Due to really crappy satilite I'm unable to play it on-line and I have a really fast computer so I never noticed them and forgot to check them. Kind of in the middle of a move when I did this map.
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#1 27 May 2001
Gameplay is like a mix between q3ctf1 and q3ctf3 :)
Really nice architecture, but the r_speeds...
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