Incandescent Reality
Title : Incandescent Reality
BSP Name : maddctf1.bsp
Author : Adam "Maddman99" Crist
Release Date : March 8, 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : N/A
Game : Quake 3 CTF
File size : 4.8 MB
Bot Support : Yes

Description : CTF map with two bases facing each other. Mostly gothic map with
a hint of futuristic in there. The flag rooms look sort of like
Q3CTF3's but that was not intended. Map may seem dark to some.

Additional Thanks to : ID for all of their games and work
Nathan "SantaClaws" Ostgard for feedback and help
Chris "Soul-Frost" Schmidt for feedback and help
"Mac" and "Gothic Paradise" for helping with some problems
Everyone else at Crimson Flame Software (CrimSoft, **invalid URL**)

Beta testing : Nathan Ostgard, Chris Schmidt, "Mac", "Gothic Paradise"

Previous work : [DooM] Castles (unreleased)
[DooM] Space Station (unreleased)
[DooM2] Castles remake (unreleased)
[Q1] Space Station 2 (unreleased)
[Q2] Castles Remake (again) (unreleased)
[Q3] Critical Mass Test Map (non-public release)


* MAP Information *

New Textures : Yes, remakes of id Software textures
New sounds : no

* Construction *

Base : Scratch
Construction Time : 4 Weeks
Build programs : q3map
Build Time : 1 day
Compile machine : P3 733mhz, 256mg RAM
Editor used : GTKRadiant
Other programs : PHS, Q3Build
Known Bugs : No

* Copyright / Permissions *

All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)
