A New Beginning
Title : A New Beginning
BSP Name : RemorselessDM1.bsp
Author : Josh "ReMoRsELeSs" Tyrell
Release Date : May 4th, 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM
File size : 3.21MB

Description : My first map for both Q3, and the qeradiant editor. Using
the Rorshach textures, i felt that this map didnt need all kinds of crazy architecture.
its more of a meat and potatoes map, looks good, plays great i think. either way, i feel a
good start for my Q3 mapping .

Thnx to: beta testers : Dai, fragswill, claymore, sparky, Rcornegor
Rorshach for the textures

Other stuff : Dont hesitate to send me feedback! and please tell me if u review it or
put it on a server...

on a side note, 2 things.....1), i hate that i couldnt sync up the "pulsing"
texture...but i just didnt know how to=/ any suggestions?
2), ppl are goin to complain about the size of the hole to slip and get the haste
this is intentional...as you have to almost stop to get it..risking your kneck,
you dont like it....then rocketjump up from the bottom=D

Previous work : ALL UT maps folks, like i said, im new at this Q3 mappin thing.


* MAP Information *

New Textures : Rorshach textures

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Construction Time : prob about 4 days of actual working
Build programs : whatever came with GTKradiant
Compile Time : bout 7 minutes
Compile machine : celery 450, 224 megs ram
Editor used : GTKradiant

* Copyright / Permissions *

All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally ripped off! =)
