A New Beginning
A New Beginning by ReMoRsELeSs
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#9   22 Jan 2024
I've been looking for this map since 2019! A New Beginning aka REMORSELESSDM1 by ReMoRsELeSs, so this is what it is :) Despite the level's rather modest size, the layout is what makes it so unique for me — so many smaller pertinently alternating platforms, a lot of verticality and twists, the masterfully put trick with the Haste platform located more inside the wall and with the gap above, and the elegantly placed a little bit to the side Rocket Launcher that still brings more combat for it to the table! Not to mention the Grenade Launcher and the Red Armor in the very middle gameplay-wise.

So glad to have finally found the release, 4.5/5 from me, some lighter map enhancement and it will get a 5/5! [this is 5/5, not five out of factorial five C:] I think I 've seen all the maps on ..::LvL that feature this texture pack before I saw this one :D Good to know now that the textures (or at least some of them) are made by Rorschach, Vendetta and this one are my favourite by them. In conclusion, I would certainly like to see more levels by ReMoRsELeSs, as this one is one of the best custom creations, in my opinion!
Edited 44.43 minutes after the original posting.

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#8   07 Mar 2012
Edit: This map is brilliant with Instagib and can also play very well on Rocket Arena.
Edited: 07 Mar 2012 AEST
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   07 Jan 2012
Kind of reminds me of the Injector from UT2004
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Dai unregistered
#6   30 May 2001
your beta-testers suck ;p
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remorseless unregistered
#5   29 May 2001
thnx guys,

well, i had couple of beta testers, and i could allways use more hint hint=D so if youd like, just email me, and see what pops up. i got some final !! UT maps im doing, then its prob gonna be all q3, and i just picked up TA, so um, yummy!=D thnx again for the comments..

and no, once i learned how to navigate with qeradiant, i loved it, more so than UED even, no its hard for me to go back to UED =/

(sh!t, i didnt know to post i HAD to score the map o_O, well, just so you know, i gave it a 7 cause i dont wanna give it a 0, and its ranking is a 7.33 now), so im NOT cheating!=D


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Hobbes unregistered
#4   28 May 2001
Good work Remorseless. Overall style reflects your UT background which is cool =) I have to agree with the below posts on item placement though. One change would be to remove the haste and put the railgun there perhaps (if not taking it out entirely) and put a lightning gun where the railgun currently is.

Also some of the jump pads (ie: the one upto the rg on the RA side) have the player slip the roof or a support beam which can break the flow of movement.

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Kurupt unregistered
#3   27 May 2001
That should be unfortunately , and it told me to look for dumb typos too. Feck.
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Kurupt unregistered
#2   27 May 2001
Plays and Looks Good, but unfortunatley the item placement lets it down slightly. Still a very good effort for a first q3 map (bet the transition to radient was a bitch :)

I give it an 8.

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nitin unregistered
#1   27 May 2001
quite nice but items are slightly off.
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