P79.1 - First flight
P79.1 - First flight by Pecora79
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#22   30 Dec 2020
Looking at the screenshot I first thought it was a Defrag test/practice map or something to practice trickjumping on. But the Readme stated clearly FFA. I am confused about the intention of this map.
From the review:
Touching in its simplicity, charming in its complete ignorance of gameplay, screenshot says it all.
. I take Tig's word on this one.
The quote made me laugh out loud by the way. 'Charming in its complete ignorance' classic...
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gooball Rep. 1091
#21   31 Oct 2010
Heh, the launch pads are backwards. LOL
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Kukuw unregistered
#20   17 Feb 2010
Great map
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aeeeeeee unregistered
#19   15 Feb 2009
è un'inizio... pian piano migliorerà (si spera)
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leonardo[M] unregistered
#18   28 Nov 2003
mi sorella che frequenta i marciapiedi di hollywood saprebbe fare di meglio
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Fusion unregistered
#17   28 Nov 2003
Omg pec

Che droghe usi?

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*J9*AnGe unregistered
#16   28 Nov 2003
GG Pec :)!
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Norkia unregistered
#15   28 Nov 2003
Usa mescalina


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SGResu unregistered
#14   28 Nov 2003
Really good map, nice tmp!

GG Pec

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St4n unregistered
#13   26 Dec 2000
Hey guy, that's lvl's site that burning in the trunk
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FoxGod unregistered
#12   25 Dec 2000
Mmmmmmh pecora...you are mad..this map is bad..come back in italy..:)
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VioLenT unregistered
#11   15 Mar 2000
hey there is a newer version of this map with a bot file from the author.
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Jim unregistered
#10   16 Feb 2000
Um, next.

Ok, it's a start, but it's got a long way to go. I've never cared for the hook much either. It's a fun novelty to play with for a minute, but that's about it.

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Junky unregistered
#9   13 Feb 2000
POINTLESS!! yeah we all knwo that but almost fun with 5 pplz lan!
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Sundown unregistered
#8   13 Feb 2000
I applaud Trigger-oN's policy of reviewing and posting all maps--no matter how crappy. Its an important stance to take, especially within a FPS gaming community that tends to be both hierarchical and hyper-critical. That said, this map blows my uncle. But keep tryin Pecora79, ya never know!
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#7   12 Feb 2000
Slowtreme - nope, I laughed when i realised your map was already up :]
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Slowtreme unregistered
#6   12 Feb 2000
Trigger, I guess you got mine up out of the que. And I didn't mean to sound pissy. But when looking at a map like this, I wondered just what is going on.

Some guy actually said, "Yep 30 min is enough for me, this is exactly what I want. Let's email every map site in the Q3 community, and have them post my masterpiece"

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AssBall unregistered
#5   12 Feb 2000
After screwing around on this map for some time, I was still wondering "what??".

That is to say that this map does not only lack flow, but is generally pointless. The lighting effects were (well, nonexistent). What the hell is the grappling hook and 3 bfg's for? The lava pools also make no sense.

I hate how there is only one way to each "outside" section and one way back in.

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Ramuh unregistered
#4   12 Feb 2000
The map overall was, well, pretty bad, i'll just leave it there as its probably self explanitory
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   12 Feb 2000
Dont even think of criticizing tigger on biased practices. At least he reviews every submitted map, unlike 1 pq review site i know of that chooses to completely ignore every other map out there, and only review maps by pq hostees, that site should be flamed, not this one.
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#2   11 Feb 2000
There is a queue - there is 70 odd maps on that queue, some get reviewed before others (like the DMM maps) otherwise they are reviewed in the order that i received them.

Basically everything that is submitted will be put up, no matter how good or bad, just so long as it does not crash my PC, unlike other review sites.

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Slowtreme unregistered
#1   11 Feb 2000
How is it a map like this gets put up here for the world to see, but LVL won't put a map I submitted here that got an A- grade on another PQ.com review site?

I guess mine's not so funny =)

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