sedistic by sedric
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Geniraul Rep. 1800
#12   05 Mar 2023
One more excellent map by Sedric! And you can literally feel that it's by Sedric: it's open-space with a picturesque skybox, the landscape is quite unique and differs a lot in its parts, the level keeps harmonizing in two colors that go really well together. It truly feels like some kind of a pre-build of COLDWARCTF for me (which is one of my favorite CTF maps), because it really resembles it. The environment design, architecture and color palette on this map create together an impression of finding yourself in some huge space and makes you want to return on this level again and again without ever getting tired of that. I'm not sure I agree with the review on the fact that the full-brightness of this map is a problem. I think the degree of lightning alongside the beauty of this level make it feel just alright, I definitely wouldn't call this map over-bright. I'm bookmarking this one, this is such a great map and another piece of art by Sedric!
Edited 47 seconds after the original posting.
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H217 Rep. 470
#11   23 Jan 2013
Looks nice
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Someone unregistered
#10   18 Mar 2012
My outdoor texturing appears different than that in the levelshot and there is a missing texture (or two, hard to tell because if there are two they are adjacent) on each wall on the inside. Other than that I have no complaints. Bots nearly beat me too. Excellent map.
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Lima_Bravo unregistered
#9   25 Apr 2001
Well done. Another novel map. It is pleasant because of the layout, and non gothic (factory) style. Flows well.

Go an download this one.

I find no lighting problems mentioned earlier here, works fine for me.

Another to add to the collection for those rainy days. {scored 8 in my book :) }

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Pogo unregistered
#8   19 Apr 2001
I like the clean look of the facility. The lighting seems right for a bright day. The homogeneous texture of the rocky island goes well with the facility, anything else would of detracted from that.
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scorpio unregistered
#7   17 Apr 2001
funky map i like it an other 7 for you
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sedric? unregistered
#6   16 Apr 2001
any others???
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Chunkey unregistered
#5   09 Apr 2001
I quite like this map- the lighting reflects the atmoshere- in this case a warm tropical island. It is really hectic when playing against several bots too which I quite like as well.

Its true the that rocks could have used more textures but that isn't really a gameplay flaw :)

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Chunkey unregistered
#4   09 Apr 2001
I quite like this map- the lighting reflects the atmoshere- in this case a warm tropical island. It is really hectic when playing against several bots too which I quite like as well.

Its true the that rocks could have used more textures but that isn't really a gameplay flaw :)

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StormShadow[NT] unregistered
#3   09 Apr 2001
It means it looks like u vised with nolight, so its got default lighting (bad). But personally, i thought it looked good. The lighting could be a bit better indoors, and the item placement could have also been a bit better, but its a good looking map, certainly not the same bland maps that i see every other day. god job.


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ReAn unregistered
#2   08 Apr 2001
Great map... as ive told u b4
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sedric unregistered
#1   08 Apr 2001
lemme know what you think fellas! i dont know exactly what he meant by "it almost looks fullbright" decide for yourself, i think it looks just fine on my asus7700
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