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the set-up is quite good for TDM and it is even supported with two distinct control areas with multiple entrances. just would have liked to have seen YA swapped for Red
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Thank you very much for the link!
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#10 08 Oct 2013
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I remember that there was a Team Arena version of this map, with different texturing and weapons. Does anyone know where I can find that map?
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Knight Cloud
#8 19 Apr 2001
Kit Carson why you like to make cross ,the cross is bad.
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The Smeller
#7 11 Mar 2001
Polished looks, very average gameplay.
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Featured Ripper
#6 06 Mar 2001
Tile floor kill this map. Waaaay dark. Where's my maglite?
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Kit Carson
#5 02 Mar 2001
yeah dude, this map(it's only my opiion)have a nice gameplay and the architecture is like the new standard Team Arena maps,anyway,sometimes i found this map in some gamespy arcade server, and i'd lot of fun...:))
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#4 28 Feb 2001
Great architecture , I didn't tested the gameplay but I don't understand why u only scored 6.25 , weird your map 's the best of the ngi arena i played and It worth a score of 9
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#3 28 Feb 2001
Definitely a minimum of four players should be in this map. The bottom section is a bit too flat. An average map with pretty good looks. I rate it a six.
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#2 26 Feb 2001
Very nice, (both versions) Well done
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#1 25 Feb 2001
definantly a bad ass map. loose the crucifix... everything has to be so satanic these days to be cool. wassup with that? frags and FPS shooters are cool.. but someone give us a break on the other crap
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