Hauptbad 2000
by THS
Hauptbad 2000 by THS
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bepisman Rep. 148
#5   05 Dec 2019
There's something so nice and nostalgic about this one, which is one of the main factors that make this my favourite quake map, and I think that the whole setting is very nice.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   04 Jan 2012
Intresting Map! I love Swimming Pools :).
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#3   14 Jul 2011
Nice map for the summer. Gets one in the mood to go swimming, or cool to play after going to the pool. Fun with mods like Hunt and SuperHeroes 3 Arena.

Edited 1772.52 days after the original posting.

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Tyre unregistered
#2   22 Nov 2000
This one doesn't seem to have got much attention, which is a shame. This is a really original map, and the texturing is excellent. Brings back memories of school days! I disagree that bots spend all their time in the pools; this map plays pretty well, except that there are too many weapons. How many shotguns do you really need? Not this many!
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ReapeR unregistered
#1   11 Nov 2000
Here you can have a really good show, man!!!!

Hail to the King, baby!!!

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