Cypertheater by izeColt
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#6   02 Feb 2015
An ok map... the gameplay doesn't really work for me. Some pillars feel like they are in the way. The open area's are all connected at the same height. More variation in verticallity could have helped.
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#5   28 Oct 2000
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izeColt unregistered
#4   27 Oct 2000
Thanks GONNAKILLYA! Ya got credits in readme.
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#3   26 Oct 2000
I remember when this bitch was in beta!

This map rocks!

It's a little on the horizontal side for me but my mates and I had a blast on this map.

izeColt, don't say never again...I'm still waiting for Slipgate. :)

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izeColt unregistered
#2   24 Oct 2000
Thanks to Number 6 for your ONLY feedback! It was really disappointment to get only 2 votes. We'll see what's going to be next if such a thing will ever be...
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Number 6 unregistered
#1   21 Oct 2000
[grunted forcefully through clenched teeth. No Austin Powers accent thank you very much] Yeah, baby, YEAH! Now this is what I'm talkin' about. This map is fast in all the good ways, fun places to rocket jump to, good item placement. Great for 2-3 but 1 on 1 is definately the best!
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