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I understand the positive comments. The map is well build, offers good gameplay.
Still there is something that i can't explain. Somehow this map doesn't work for me.
And being a bit harsh, the map was just a bit uninteresting. I understand the effort that goes into mapmaking and this one is well finished so i'm glad to know others enjoy(ed) it. Perhaps the bots were a bit to predictable?
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Knight Cloud
#6 10 Aug 2001
These but is really nice.
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#5 09 Oct 2000
Yes I totally agree with cr. The map is awesome. Definately a keeper.
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#4 09 Oct 2000
You can RJ through the sign, btw.
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#3 08 Oct 2000
Not bad. Gameplay was faily smooth. I'm not a big fan of the shiny textures but in this map is was well suited.
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#2 07 Oct 2000
This one (amongst others) I shall keep. The layout is nice, not to speak of the aesthetics. It's nice to the eyes and is well worth giving it a try. The only thing that worries me is that after 484 downloads, I'm the second person judging that it's worth a comment; just to say that this kind of work must be encouraged. Bon boulot. Keep it up.
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#1 07 Oct 2000
Very cool, I like a lot. The energy tube layout was awesome. I the only thing i would have done different was reverse the quad and biosuit. The quad would have looked better in center of the energy tube. All in all a very addictive map. 9/10
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