Crippled Ice-Cubes
Crippled Ice-Cubes by DeFrag[SK]

A well finished space station style map. The textures are well chosen to create distinct areas within the theme and the lighting is excellent. There are some nice features like the hurricane fence wire on either side of the crossbridge, the bouncepads, and the plasma corridor ramp. The gameplay and the item placement are good, except for the Quad - way too accessible. There is also a small secret room. Bots play well.

A promising first release.

Update: Crippled Ice Cubes actually contains 2 different levels. The one you didn't review is Destruction Zone. It is just a simple rocket & rail map for those mayhem-induced fragfests presented as a 2-for-1 bonus! Thanks to the1 for the correction and information. (14.July.2006)

Ranked: 3.7 out of 5 (15 votes)

Download: Crippled Ice-Cubes by DeFrag[SK]
