Dedicated to my 3 boys.
Title : Crippled Ice-Cubes
Filename : df3dm1.bsp
Version : 1.0
Date : Sunday August 27, 2000
Author : Skip "DeFrag[SK]" Downey
Email Address : **email removed**
Author's Homepage : **invalid URL**
Description : Deathmatch-level for Quake3
Other Levels : Q3: Destruction Zone
Q2: Destruction Zone, Millennium, & NoHope
Here we have my 1st effort for Quake3. Set in shiny-base,
Cubes makes for a cat & mouse 1v1 or extreme-fraggage
with 3+ players. Learning the curves & shaders obviously
took the most time, while playing with all the different
texture-sets available was much fun. I sincerely hope you
enjoy my newest lil' romp. =)
id Software : Quake3
Robert Duffy : Q3Radiant
Oak & Auhsan : Teleporter-model
Kanaeda & Scampie : Development-support
Evic & Clan[SK] : Beta-testing
Copy the files into \quake3\baseq3\. & enjoy!
Bot-match : Doom, Crash, Mynx, Wrack, & Xaero
Deathmatch : yes, 2-5 players recommended (5 spawns)
Weapons : Plasma-Gun, Railgun, Lightning-Gun, Rocket-Launcher,
Grenade-Launcher, Shotgun
Armor : Body & Combat-Armor
Holdables : Med-Kit & Personal-Teleporter
Powerups : Quad, Megahealth, Battle-Suit, Invisibility, & Regen
Base : built from scratch
New sounds : no
New graphics : textures\defrag\*
Shader : scripts\df3dm1.shader
Build-time : ~80 hours
Brushes : 806
Net Brush-count : 637
Entities : 135
Textures-in-use : 60
PortalClusters : 217
NumPortals : 448
NumFaces : 1160
ActivePortals : 896
HintPortals : 0
VisDataSize : 6952
AvgPassesPerLeaf : 4
AvgClustersVisible : 63
LightEmittingSurfs : 248
bsp filesize : 1.21mb
qbsp3 : 5 secs
qvis3 : 6 secs
qmap -extra : 1506 secs
Total-time : 25 min 17 secs
Hardware : Intel P2-450, 384MB RAM, 14GB UDMA33 7200RPM, STB-TNT16mb
Editor : Q3Radiant build 2.01
Utilities : q3Build, Textpad, Paint Shop, Photoshop, & Winzip
Copyright © 2000 Skip "DeFrag[SK]" Downey - All rights reserved.
This level requires the registered version of Quake3 & is not supported by
id Software. It may NOT to be used as a base for other levels, modified,
converted, commercially exploited, or distributed on CD-ROM or other physical
media in whole or part without express written consent. It may be distributed
by electronic means only with no charge to the recipient provided this text
file is included unmodified.
The software contained herein shall perform in significant compliance with the
accompanying documentation. This program is provided "as is" & without
warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to
warranties of merchantability & fitness for a particular purpose. The author
will not be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or
other incidental or consequential damages, arising out of use of this program.