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#35 19 Dec 2010
obiwan as in, Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars? Are all of the maps by other Obi-wans by the same author? Just spelled differently?
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#34 07 Oct 2008
Ur crazy to have made such a ~!@#$%^&*() PERFECT website. carry on guys i am for you always!
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Digit@L PC
#33 12 Aug 2001
I like this map but has some missing texures.
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#32 12 May 2001
Very fun map...although I think the bots tend to be a bit too predictable down in the heating ducts...almost like a shooting gallery down there if you crouch and have lots of shots for the railgun, but against human opponents, it's a lot better!!
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#31 01 Oct 2000
Just downloaded this map, it's good. I like it better than runtfest even. The only problem I could spot is the missing textures. I downloaded this from FilePlanet 10/01/00 and it's missing the textures on the Candels and bed and toilet. After reading some of the previous messages, is there another place to download the complete map?
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Arena Masta
#30 07 Sep 2000
Nice map guys! This has got to be the most original Q3 maps i've ever played. (Sick of those usual damn gothic maps)
I like the textures in this map such as the framed pictures of Obi Wan Kenobi around the rooms, the TV and even a pic of OBIWAN on his computer monitor (Be Careful in my House, he says)
I also liked that cool sound when you grab the BFG on top of the TV (ATTENTION!! CAMPER IN THE LIVING ROOM!!)
Overall, great map! i hope to see more from OBIWAN
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#29 06 Sep 2000
Cool map. Just wish the textures used were more detailed but then I guess it wouldn't as well as it does now.
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#28 05 Sep 2000
Thanks guys!
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#27 04 Sep 2000
I've cleaned up a double post by Dagwit. Glad you found the problem too Dagwit
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#26 04 Sep 2000
Good to hear you got it, Dagwit!
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#25 04 Sep 2000
Great Job OBIWAN
Great Job OBIWAN
Great Job OBIWAN
Great Job OBIWAN
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#24 04 Sep 2000
Dagwit, smack on hand! if you'd thought to call down the console and fetch the name of the missing texture before making your first post, this thread could have been usefully truncated.
Anyway, Q3Radiant installed, missing textures magically appear.
Thanks, pjw (incidentally, enjoyed Hot and Moist (pjw3tourney1_b3 - ohmigod, I've downloaded a beta!)). Putting those .pk3s into a 'Mod' folder to isolate such problems is an excellent suggestion for mapmakers. I can't do it myself because I already keep my third-party map collection in a clutter of 'Mod' folders, so couldn't load a map, and the texture pak it might depend on, at the same time.
By the same token, however, my baseq3 folder is pretty much as empty as it could be, so shifting the texture .pk3s about shouldn't be too onerous if I get the urge. I suppose the smart thing for me, as a collector rather than a mapper, would be to isolate them in their own folder and only drop them into baseq3 if I come across missing textures.
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#23 04 Sep 2000
Dagwit, yep, good guess. textures/common/white comes with Q3R, but is not in any of the default id texs. I find that the only way to be sure that something isn't weird with textures on a map is to completely clean out the contents of your baseq3 directory of all extraneous pk3s. Don't forget mapmedia.pk3--move that out too. What I do to keep my baseq3 "pure" is to put all custom pk3s (except for the ones that I am specifically using for a map I'm working on) in other directories parallel to my baseq3 directory. This allows them to be loaded and played like a mod (i.e. custom maps are in a "maps" folder parallel to baseq3, and can be loaded by choosing the "maps" mod that will now show up in the mods menu. This will save you the stress and hair-pulling of trying to keep track of 87 billion custom bits and bobs of this and that.
For a final test, after I've made my pk3, I temporarily rename everything in my baseq3 so that it can't be accessed (i.e. rename "maps", "models", "textures", "sounds", "scripts" etc. to, for instance, "nomaps", "noscripts", etc., then I can be sure that only default id pk3s and the contents of my own pk3 are being accessed. Hope this helps. (BTW, cool map :-)
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#22 03 Sep 2000
Dagwit has now downloaded this map three times:
once, .pk3 created 14 August,
once, .pk3 created 1 September (..::LvL, Fileplanet),
once, .pk3 created 3 September (..::LvL, Australian mirror);
these are, of course, the dates the zips were unzipped. But, crucially, all three have the same Modified date:
Modified 08 august 2000 04:42:56
So if the ..::LvL files aren't betas, none of them are. So Dagwit never had a beta version. Sorry, OBIWAN!
(Incidentally, after checking the dates on the .pk3s I deleted all but the last as advised by Tigger-oN. Made no difference.)
I'm getting not just the lightmap warnings OBIWAN mentions but also:
WARNING!: Couldn't find image for shader
Now, the missing candle textures are certainly white (you can see them in the levelshot) and I'm guessing the loo and mattress are also white.
I can't find textures/common/white in pak0.pk3, pak2.pk3, twpak0.pk3 or obiwanshouse.pk3. Nor can I find reference to it in any of the shader files in these paks.
Yet OBIWAN isn't having a problem; Tigger-oN isn't having a problem. What would they have that I don't?
Q3Radiant, perhaps? I'm downloading it as I type this. Or perhaps a common texture/shader pak I'm missing (I have the Threewave maps)?
Investigations continue. Unless, of course, someone can put me out of my misery. Preferably not with a blue pill or anything that makes a loud noise (or has a silencer).
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#21 03 Sep 2000
Very cool. I actually like it better than Runtfest because of the other rooms. I really got a kick out of what you did for the BFG in the living room. The message and sound bite are hilarious when you get up there. I wasn't crazy about the lights in the drawers and such and the room with the quad was washed out completely (unless that was the desired effect).
Wicked map.
What a firm couch!
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Mysterious Dr.X
#20 03 Sep 2000
Although not as lush visually and nor as innovative as Runtfest, I feel that this is far superior in the playability stakes. Runtfest and PadGarden both suffer as they are based around a massive open area which totally destroys all playabilty - something which you have managed to avoid. And bots play well - which is very important due to being stuck with 56k.
Well done and cheers Obiwan!
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#19 03 Sep 2000
By the way, Thanks to LVL (Tigger-oN & Mandog) and everyone who downloaded my map! -OBIWAN
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#18 02 Sep 2000
Tigger-oN, In the process of making this map (my first by the way)I was originally going to call it MyTrailor. BAD MISTAKE, anyway that is why there are two different text folders in the pk3. I learned my lesson. The next will definately put this one to shame. The only error messages on the LVL version are a few that say no lightmap, just ignore them. The textures show up fine, Dagwit had the original beta, and they are fixed on yours. I originally sent out the beta to a few friends and BOOM it was everywhere. By the time I found out about the missing textures it was hard to track down alot of servers and people who had it to go get the new one. I am never going to release another prematurely again. But the LVL is final. Trust me. -OBIWAN
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#17 02 Sep 2000
I assure everyone that this will NEVER happen on any of my new maps, the version on lvl, has no missing textures, the version you had previous was missing some. For some reason a few textures in the final do appear though they have error messages in the console (no lightmap) just ignore them. I am very sorry for this problem. Any new maps I am working on will not EVER have this prob. I am really sorry to anyone who downloaded the original version, I thought it was finished and it wasn't but THE VERSION ON LVL HAS ALL TEXTURES, and thank you for downloading it. -OBIWAN
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#16 02 Sep 2000
Dagwit, do you have a beta (or any other) version of the map anywhere on your harddrive? that will cause the same error (often). You may also have another level that has the same textures (what that level is call is anyones guess)
Obiwan: you should have place ALL your textures in the textures/obiwanshouse/ folder in the pk3 as the /textures/MyTrailor textures are the ones that seem to be causing the problem.
Mappers in genreal: DO NOT use other textures and shaders in the same folder structure or use the same name, they will conflict with others on someones harddrive. (i get a lot of emails about this)
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#15 02 Sep 2000
Obiwan, I've just downloaded your map from ..::LvL's fileplanet link; there are the same missing textures as I found in my original download a while back:
in the living room, the candles;
in the bedroom, the mattress;
in the toilet, the toilet bowl, the toilet seat, and the side of the cistern nearest the megahealth cabinet.
Now, as Niptlar observes, this map is an attempt to emulate Runtfest, and Obiwan has set himself a hard target: for graphic wit and skill in execution, Runtfest is not going to be so easily nudged off its pedestal.
Still, this is a fair effort, and I enjoyed the gameplay (but then I enjoyed playing Runtfest, which I know others besides Niptlar didn't particularly). If I can get assurance that the texture problems are finally fixed I may invest in a third (largeish) download over my rather creaky modem.
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#14 01 Sep 2000
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool............. Need i say more???????
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#13 01 Sep 2000
I downloaded this map today and i gotta admit obiwan, you made me feel at home, hehe, cool ass map keep up the good work.
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#12 01 Sep 2000
This map plays really well without destroying the framerate even though it's a good size. Frankly its the best one ive seen yet for just about any Quake game!
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#11 01 Sep 2000
This map plays really well without destroying the framerate even though it's a good size. Frankly its the best one ive seen yet for just about any Quake game!
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#10 01 Sep 2000
This map plays really well without destroying the framerate even though it's a good size. Frankly its the best one ive seen yet for just about and Quake game!
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not entered
#9 01 Sep 2000
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#8 31 Aug 2000
This map is awesome!! I'm looking forward to playing it on line!
Great Job OBIWAN
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not entered
#7 31 Aug 2000
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The Hate Factory
#6 31 Aug 2000
Ah well, at least it doesn't have a spider like that one Half-Life giant map.
<--Arachnophobic -_-
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#5 31 Aug 2000
yes this is the new version, there are no missing textures in this one.
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not entered
#4 31 Aug 2000
I downloaded this a while ago. Is this a newer version? Mine has some textures missing.
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#3 31 Aug 2000
"just in Runtfest" should read "just like in Runtfest."
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#2 31 Aug 2000
This level feels like a rip-off of Runtfest (not like I personally cared for Runtfest, but
some seemed to really love it). The items seemed to be placed pretty indescriminately. The gameflow itself is amazingly slow (just in Runtfest).
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not entered
#1 31 Aug 2000
This map is very cool in it's realism. The ducts are great for making a quick escape. I also loved the camper alert! Bots played very well - although they ignore the power ups.
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