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It works just fine every time on the Spearmint Q3 engine. I even had bots going on the map, but they got stuck in some places. Could be better, but for now, avoid until you're extremely bored.
Edited 32 seconds after the original posting.
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@SW12: I just loaded it normally. Sometimes it freezes but when you restart it once or twice it works fine
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@FragTastic: How is it you managed to get this map to work?! I can't get it to work! Is it some issue where it refuses to agree with version 1.32 of Q3 and that it uses an older version? Do respond.
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I actually find this map really cool to play but what's with the textures?. The textures could at least of been Brushed well and used well. it was going to be a 9/10 but since textures aren't as well as I was supposing it was going to be, It's now down to an 8/10.
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Do you suppose a video could be made so those of us who are unable to play the map see what its like? I am actually intrigued by this map.
Edited: 17 Jun 2011 AEST
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I try to add bot file but after i load the map there was a warning message saying {items outside the file?}....the bots moved around but the message was always showing....not good...:(
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#37 08 Jan 2011
No. I don't have problems with other custom maps here. Some other maps Ive had trouble with that didn't load were:The Simpsons map by maggu, Botulism by PE#668. Those are all I can think of as of now.
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@Kyle: Do you have problems with other CTF or other custom maps at all?
Also, I would suggest you grab a copy of IOQuake3 - ioquake3.org/get-it/ - and give that a go.
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I have version 1.32...no c or any other letters...dl just 1.32 just to try it?
and this map doesn't have a arena file so it doesn't show up in the menu.
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#34 07 Jan 2011
I have Quake III Gold, thus I have Version 1.32c. And yes. I am using QUAKE3,not open arena. I know because I played Open arena before, but it was deleted a long time ago.
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@Kyle: When you have the console down, what version number is in the bottom right hand corner? (this is assuming you are running Q3A and not something like Open Arena)
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#32 07 Jan 2011
When I did it through console (like you said so there's no confusion), It began to load but then put me back at menu with a message: CL_PARSEGAMESTATE: Bad command byte. Also it was noted in readme that if you have the beta version of this map that it will foul things up. But why on earth would he give the non-working version to the public and not the working one...? IDK
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The full console command to load this CTF map would be:
\g_gametype 4 ; map 2fort9ctf <press enter>
My guess is this problem was not the loading of the map but something else. Maybe Kyle did not place the PK3 file in the correct location or did not select the CTF game mode from the menu. Without more details from Kyle, we would all be just guessing.
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Kyle , hit the ~ key on your keeboard to load the map....then write /2fort9ctf and press enter.
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#29 07 Jan 2011
When I tried to play this map, it didn't work. I forgot how. I will go see...
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@Kyle: As far as I can tell, this map works as designed. The lighting is terrible, but the map works as a CTF map. Maybe if you explained your issue someone will be able to help you.
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#27 30 Nov 2010
if this is the beta map where is the newer version THAT WORKS
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#26 03 Aug 2010
Could somebody make a version of this map that has bot support and a working map. Seeing that It didn't when I tried it.
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#25 01 Dec 2009
I miss the good ol' days.
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#24 12 Jan 2004
Very nice map Static Id give it a 9 its just a bit blocky. :=]
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#23 25 Jul 2002
I think its a cool map so that my piece good job static
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#22 25 Feb 2001
The best Arena of the world!!!!
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#21 14 Jun 2000
it's so cool
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#20 16 May 2000
I happen to know for a fact that this map isn't ripped.
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#19 16 May 2000
the guy who "reviewed" this map is clearly a llama (doesnt like 2fort maps what a wanker). I personally can't wait for the next map from Static.
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#18 16 May 2000
AWESOME map!! I give it a 10!
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Pat M.
#17 26 Feb 2000
It was a good level at least i thought because i love team fortress Classic and this level is designed after one of the levels but it was made much to big!!
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#16 22 Feb 2000
Well, I am not gonna be as hard as the other guys but I want to complain about some things:
- The map is very bright. It feels like it flash before my eyes when I look at it... that's a thing to think about
- As some one said before: the bot file. Why didn't you put it in the pak? Is it so hard? Well, I know, I did one by myself and know there isn't so hard but I just felt that it was wasted time =)
- (No complain actually, more like a thought) Isn't anybody making a new version off 2fort to q3 (you know, 2fort for TFC which is a mod to halflife) if anybody knows, please tell me...
Well, that's all Folks! Cya!
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#15 22 Feb 2000
It's very good
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#14 27 Jan 2000
I like it for what it is & it will ease my pain till WeaponFactory Q3A is released, BUT I do have one MAJOR gripe, no bot file!! Which means my lazy ass as has to make one...
BTW the powerpoles & lines over the bridge where a nice touch...
Keep mapping, you won't be good till you makes some turds.. :)
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#13 25 Jan 2000
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not entered
#12 20 Jan 2000
Static : I know it is a general MAP, EVERYONE has heard of 2fort series, Im not accusing you of ripping the series, but of Converting TumorHeads own version of the map to q3 and fuckin with brushes and textures a little bit so as to make it somewhat yours. I am not bashing the 2fort style map, I LOVE TF more than anything, i love looking at conversions of classic maps such as 2fort's is. And i can almost guarantee that Tumorhead didnt use bspc to decompile 2fort5.bsp to a map file and convert it to q2, no there are obvious differences.
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#11 20 Jan 2000
This Map sucks ass!
Don't bother.
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#10 16 Jan 2000
You really have no idea if your knocking this map, honestly, its THE map for TF and teamplay mods, its a proven winner in design, and this is merely the Quake 3 conversion. Sure, it might not be the best conversion, but you cant knock the design, its a proven winner. Players of the TF for Quake 2, Weapons Factory, playtested this map, and if they think its worthy of release, then it would have to be up to standard. So, in short, this is a top effort I think, as did the people who matter, the community who play it, and if you cant seem to accept the attempts to incorporate teamplay, using limited weapons, and the great style this has as a teamplay map, then, well, you can't really call yourself a CTF or teamplay gamer. Thank YOU!
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I am sorry,
#9 15 Jan 2000
this map needs some help, If the person who made this map is under 12 then I can forgive almost everything wrong with it, but if the person who made this map is an older person, then I would ask them to stop making maps...
If your a young person then keep at it, the fact that you made anything is great!
Thank you!
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not entered
#8 15 Jan 2000
I played this map for 5 seconds, deleted it, and never want to see it agian. Its the biggest peice o' shit to come out of the community since that map Heaven over at cranky steves If you are stupid, have no friends, and dont want any, run this map on a server.
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#7 13 Jan 2000
This is a good fun map, its a good attempt at something different in Quake 3, esp. the efforts to incorporate team style gameplay in vanilla CTF, that was great. Sure, this is only going to be good for teamplay mod players, i.e the WF community Static has come from, but it is a good map, the idea is awesome and I think more maps like this, with limited weapons and the like, could help make Q3CTF a bit more fun and a bit more interesting than it is right now, especially considering the lack of good CTF maps around. Its also a damn nice looking 'rendition' of 2fort, heh, I wondered how long it would take for one to appear.
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#6 13 Jan 2000
I give this map a 10 because it has the fast style of gameplay just like my favorite quake2 mod(Weapons Factory) and also because it is a well structured map. I was one of the playtesters for this map and it definitely is NOT a ripp of a q2 map.
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#5 13 Jan 2000
This map isn't as ugly as you say, it ain't the prettiest but its pretty damn nice. If you take the time to play it, as I have for 100's of hours in WF, you'll find you'll get stuck addicted to this map. Ofcourse class based mods/maps may not be your thing, but test it out, its really quite good to play.
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#4 13 Jan 2000
This map is great. It is fun playing a WF-style map for CTF, since Q3WF isn't out yet. You don't like this so much, because the gameplay is meant to be as similiar to the WF for Q2 style, where you have a class system. This is a really original idea i think. I give this map a 10!
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#3 13 Jan 2000
Anyone reading the .txt that came with it will see that it was indeed intended to be very similar to the maps made by tumorhead and others for q2. In reality THOSE were taken from TF for Q1 anyways... they are almost "generic" maps now I guess. It was absolutely NOT ripped... the entire level was built from scratch by memory and years of playtime spent on it. I can understand though that some people may not like this style of gameplay... I just happen to which is why I made the map... as for it being ugly...
pout I didn't think it was ugly and neither did my playtesters... oh well... Thanks for at least taking the time to look at it before commenting... I appreciate that. :) Nothing worse than someone looking at a screenshot and voting ;P
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#2 13 Jan 2000
I too found the map a wee it ugly, but thats something I could overcome if the forts just weren't so damn big. I love the middle area with the bunkers and the bridge, however the middle area becomes incredibly unimportant with the addition of the hookshot. I also don't like the fact that a player starts with weapons but thats just player preference.
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not entered
#1 13 Jan 2000
it looks an AWFUL lot like 2forts by Tumorhead for Quake2 CTF,, static could of converted the q2 map to q3 , decompiled the bsp, and edited the map in with q3a textures, what gives it away is the front middle of the base, in q2 you could crouch at the bottom and rail from there, in q3 you cant, i havet DL'd this map but IMO it looks like a rip,, and i love 2forts
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