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bump: for those interested: the BFG is reached by being randomly teleported into a room from the teleporter outside near the lg. Agree with the criticisms in the review but still a very creative level that a lot of effort has gone into. it works surprisingly well as a dm for a level with a single player feel. takes some time to learn but not as disjointed as one might first think. that said, connectivity and item spread could still have done with a little improving.
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Map pretty good, does anyone know where is the BFG gun? Check every corner, even found the secret with rocket launcher but no luck with the BFG:(
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The lava was interesting too. It had a nice effect, and I need to try this out again.
Edited 1120.7 days after the original posting.
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I actually like the Spiral Stairs since it gives the map a nice look to it. Gameplay was kinda laggy and needs to be fixed. Environment felt kinda boring it just felt to me as I was walking through a museum to be honest. I was going to give you a 7 but now it dropped by half a mark due to Gameplay so its 6.5/10
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This map is great! Cool action. Love it. It is a bit cramped and going down the spiral stairs SUCKS, but it's pretty cool.
Edited: 29 Dec 2009 AEST
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#15 08 Sep 2002
286 votes for 10/10 from a certain IP range have been removed. Can you say cheating?
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another name
#14 11 May 2001
yup one of the best i seen
this map screams with originality
best i give it 10 out of 10
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not important
#13 11 May 2001
best map i ever playd
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#12 10 May 2000
tiger-already did.
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#11 10 May 2000
elvis - no comments have been deleted from this maps listing (as yet), there may have been some other sort of problem. Just post them again if you can.
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#10 09 May 2000
Well, im d/ling this at the mo and from what ive heard this looks pretty sweet. Its annoying when wan*ers just dis it because its not what they are used to. Play something alternative for once, and good on the author for having a go at something a bit different.
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#9 09 May 2000
hey tiger did you not like my comments?
oh well.
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#8 09 May 2000
map sucks. too dark , bots are wack, rocket launcher is not in the game ,only because bots cant get it. quake1 stye with a twist. i think its like half life too. traps rule, and i get missing textures.
MISSING TEXTURE above every door.
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edited comment?
#7 09 May 2000
i can swear i commented on this map, oh well . maps like half life in a couple of ways. kinda scary environment, scard me a little.
half life environment.
there i said it again.
cool map
i give it a 6 because of the bots.
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#6 08 May 2000
The Rocketlauncher is hidden in the cavelike room with the teleporter. (Beneath the ceiling) To reach it, you have to press the button left from the door. (The stone in the wall that stands out a little bit). After a few seconds, a pillar will raise.
Sorry about the thing with the brightness, I have tuned it up in Quake (As I found the custom levels too dark). Unfortunately, the map file of The lost dungeon is corrupted, so I canĀ“t fix it.
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#5 08 May 2000
I really love it when map makers try to make things look real. Harrynator has pulled it off quite nicely. I admit that when i first spawed i was imeadiatly frustrated. Then i explored and found many nice looking places and never a dull place to be. Unfortionatly taping down your forward arrow key would be a mistake in this map (traps) Like Groo said "Increase the brightness."
Unfortionately everyone is lazy and doesnt want to have to do that for any map.
8/10 Nice work, a bit dark in some places, plays well. (I never did find that rocket launcher nor did i see any bot use it)
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#4 08 May 2000
Increase the brightness setting about 10-20%, then the lightning will be fine!
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#3 07 May 2000
the download is now fixed, sorry about that
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not entered
#2 07 May 2000
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#1 07 May 2000
Go on the author's page cos the size on Fileplanet is wrong
The map should be 3.7 Mb
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