Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
Red, Yellow, Green, Blue by Tim Smulders
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#1   20 Nov 2024
This map was a tricky one to review due to its thorough connectivity :) The staircase construction in each of the four colored rooms reminds me of the one on Q3DM7 a lot. The fog seems to have "moved" from DM7's secret RA zone to the painted areas of Red, Yellow, Green, Blue ;)

Sometimes, when writing a review, you can feel a certain understanding coming to you: the understanding that when you are describing a level with a good interconnectivity between specific areas, you should be thinking differently, as opposed to when walking through the map. That is because when you play on a level or just run around it, you can come back to some of the rooms that you have already seen before, to discover new ways of using passages and improving on your movement. However, in coherent text one should "scan" through different possibilities of walking through the map from different sides, taking different paths and making different routes. The review text is supposed to give for the reader a general image (and preferably, a more detailed one as well) of what the level represents, and thus, it should also be less or more all-inclusive, if that makes sense. In other words, playtesting first :)

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