Humiliation by Spike
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Foo Rep. 377
#2   17 Sep 2022
I dig this level for 1v1. Only criticism I can level at it is that there's too much connectivity between the two atriums - I found myself grabbing YA, dropping through mid to RA, then looping back around to MH/YA in a fairly predictable loop. Closing off a few of the doorways between areas would transform this, and I understand Spike has done this for the QL version.
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Spike (Creator) unregistered
#1   16 Sep 2022
Yes! I agree with the review. This is the last of my duel maps to be given the polish, so expect an update in the future. Although this map isnt very visually stunning, I have since worked on a further two maps (only available on Quake Live as of now, but coming to ..::LvL soon!) which are a lot more visually pleasing. Another of my maps, spikedm1 needs the Quake 3 version uploaded, so expect that soon as well. Thanks to Sprony for the review, and thanks to all those who have downloaded and played my map! XX
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