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@Tig Ah, based on that readme then that kinda makes sense. It's interesting that Q had a few other aliases (Quakin Bones/Deadeye) that they mention in subsequent readmes, but the Agent Orange alias isn't mentioned. The timelines seem to match - Agent Orange was releasing up to about late 2000 over on mapmaker site, and then Q was releasing after that date only I think.
Edited 2.69 hours after the original posting.
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@Foo - There was a large audit of the author names recently. In an attempt to group the maps by author better, some corrections were made to make the maps group by the more common name of the author. In this case
Agent Orange is
Q. This is also confirmed on the readme file for
WTF Q3A v3 by Various.
If this was an error, as in there are two authors called Agent Orange, I'm more than happy to make a correction.
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@Tig is this one correctly attributed to Q? Readme says author is 'Agent Orange'.
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Add some stars to the backround and you got yourself one great space sation map.
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I like the inclusion of 2 rail guns on a space map and having the health regenerator and a booby-trapped power-up in the large open area is an interesting idea.
Edited 3930.07 days after the original posting.
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#11 15 Feb 2009
If its too dark for ya try incresing yer r_gamma. I could se everything perfectly. Map gets boring quick, nothing special forsure.
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#10 11 Aug 2008
hahaha i liked de phrase: everything you hit is pure coincidence
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#9 16 Feb 2002
Why do these ding dongs release maps too dark to play? Deleting this from my HD ... :-(
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#8 29 Apr 2000
I enjoy this small space map. I like it's gameplay a bit original. Perhaps because I play it with vertex, anyway I didn't suffer of any dark area problem. Also a good feature is its look with a bit of originality, more than are usually too many space map. Gave it a 8.5 so 8 because 9 is probably too much.
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#7 15 Apr 2000
Too dark- but I guess that's better than being too bright-
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#6 15 Apr 2000
I did find it was a bit dark and the rail edges were a bit short. I almost fell off a few times.(almost) Its a pretty good map but I felt cramped everywhere I went. A bit to easy to dominate with bots ..even on nightmare! (bots love the enclosed room with the jump pad and the rail gun. I just camped at the top.) However I did witness the bots going every where in the map, Thats a +. Since now i do my commentaries on a different computer my brightness is up above the quake factory set. I had no problem finding anyone. With this map the more the funner it is. Then again it does get a bit choppy. This map might be good as a tourney too. 7/10 It has its problems in design but still fun.
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not entered
#5 10 Apr 2000
Someone just pushed the button accidentaly, so i had to level the score thanks to dynamic ip
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#4 09 Apr 2000
Hmm, I think someone voted a zero on this one, because I put up a 7, and SFAL put up an 8, and the average of 3 votes was 5. Arrgg...
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#3 09 Apr 2000
Um well I have to agree with everyone else here this map, quite frankly, is very good! (Don't listen to Tig he goes bonkers on occasion). The invisibility/quad isnt quite worth the risk of getting squished imo, quad would be but you can't tell which it is so no. Weapon placement was good, I liked it, the darkness suited the mood..and oh yeah finally someone makes use of the regenerator beam. =)
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#2 09 Apr 2000
This map is actually pretty good. I'm not exactly a Rail master, but I found it rather easy to hit targets. You can also jump into the center rink if you feel insecure traversing along the perimeter.
I could see around fine.
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Sir Frags A Lot
#1 09 Apr 2000
Not bad pretty good liked it a lot 7.5 - so an 8 game on
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