Deck 2k7
Deck 2k7 by r3x.theCat
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Tig Rep. 2422
#4   24 Jun 2015
Thanks for that leilei. Did some research (just to cross check) and updated the review.

The big problem is the author states this map is a re-make of "Deck 16" in the (rather thin) readme file. However the angled ramps are clearly from Deck 17, not Deck 16. Then there is the lava instead of slime too.

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leilei Rep. 443
#3   24 Jun 2015
I really really really really have to point out that the "old school ut!!!" map here is not Deck16][ from Unreal Tournament, but Deck17 for UT2004 (which itself was a custom map for UT2003). It's largely known for being horribly wide and having jointed ramps with lava and dark lighting, which is a completely different experience than the original well lit and slimey Deck16 for Unreal and UT IMHO..

This applies to the other remake too.

I never liked Deck17, it didn't even feel right in its own game either.
Edited 1.82 minutes after the original posting.

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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#2   22 Jun 2015
For those who are looking, there was already a version of the UT map on ..::LvL, although a bit different, I think. It's here:
Edited 39 seconds after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   21 Jun 2015
My favourite UT map can now be playable on Q3. I'm excited to play this map I've been fairly busy lately and haven't been able to catch up on my Quake time but now that I'm free I'm certainly going to be playing this map for hours that's for sure. Looks impressive!
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