Ziggurat Tomb
Ziggurat Tomb by sst13
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sst13 Rep. 513
#24   22 May 2024
It only affects the player who is sucked into the coffin and gets teleported out.
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sedawkgrep Rep. 681
#23   21 May 2024
Just played this today and had NO idea it was based on q3dm16...though I definitely see it now having read about it. A really great map. I found the absolutely bonkers secret afterwards while doing levelshots - does it affect all players or just the one unfortunate enough to try it?
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#22   15 Nov 2020
Nice map, with cool selection of weapons. LG is very well placed in the middle. The only problem is that it is fairly easy to dominate the whole map by being on the upper floor, which gives easy control of the two armors, LG and, most importantly, GL. You can easily spam the bottom floor with granades. Maybe a better balance would have been achieved by having the RA hidden in the bottom floor.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#21   08 Oct 2014
I must say that your slipgate map concept looks imposing :) Bad it is only in screenshots now, looking forward first beta release :)
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sst13 Rep. 513
#20   01 Oct 2014
Anywhere I can follow your progress or you just post stuff here when you're done?

Check out my WIP + Beta section: sst13.de/beta
Or my RSS Feed for any kind of releases: sst13.de/rss
Beta testing here: quake3world.com/forum/viewforum.php
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bloodshot Rep. 30
#19   30 Sep 2014

Outstanding. It's strange seeing a Quake Base level with a purple sky though :P

Seems like your remake would be a perfect fit for Generations 1.0, you really know how to make faithful stuff.

Anywhere I can follow your progress or you just post stuff here when you're done?

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Eh jjust a flesh ound unregistered
#18   12 Sep 2014
Very nice map sst13 you look a professional on making maps!
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Tig Rep. 2432
#17   10 Aug 2014
Move this discussion to the forum people.. That is the best place for non-map related discussions.

@FistMarine; get in touch using the contact form - lvlworld.com/contact - if you are having an issue getting your old account back.

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CZghost Rep. 1799
#16   10 Aug 2014
One time ago there was utility to add your own screenshots, though it was stopped pretty early since it was pretty abused for posting spam pics. You can post your own screenies using a contact form, still, Tig will check it and decide whatever will be added or not. Though the same would be also video (gameplay preview), but I'm not sure. Tig, will you accept video suggestion to be added? Meaning I will post you my demo recording and you will check it out?
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FistMarine unregistered
#15   10 Aug 2014
Nice, another map from sst13! Too bad I wish I didn't removed my account 1-2 years ago because I still visit this site regularly and people wouldn't know if I'm real FM or not. Not to mention that when I was registered, I could vote a map or post comment on forum, etc. Might re-register sometime in future since I have interest in new Quake 3 maps and have an idea to record gameplay demos on many maps to be posted on site if people want to watch demos before playing a map, though there is already a gameplay video on every map. Just an idea. :)
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#14   09 Aug 2014
@MBT: Haha :D That's funny, nice story, my mom would do exactly the same :D
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MBT Rep. 353
#13   09 Aug 2014
Here is a little story about what happened to me while I was checking out the secret...

After a huge 'HOLY CRAP WTF?!' I wanted to at least try continue playing. So I began to tilt my head from side to side. Since that didn't work well, I got up from my chair and began bending my whole torso, trying to reach the keyboard at the same time having an overhead look at my screen. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I noticed my fiancee leaning against the doorframe, with her arms crossed, observing me with one eyebrow lifted. I immediately freezed and went 'How long you've been standing there?' - 'Long enough to be concerned' she answered. 'Honey, are you OK?' - 'Yeah, I'm fine. It's all him. Cthulus 13th tentacle turned me upside down...' She looked at me for like half a minute without saying a word. Then with mild voice she went 'OK darling, go to bed, I gonna make you some fine tea...'

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@_@ unregistered
#12   05 Aug 2014
Awesome work dude, plain awesome!
I can hardly believe the amount of high class maps you produce...
Right now I'm ecstatic and envious at the same time. Jeez!

Hör bitte bloß nie auf zu mappen, Alter!

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CZghost Rep. 1799
#11   05 Aug 2014
That's cool :) Looking forward that sst13 :)
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#10   04 Aug 2014
@sst13: Ooo I'm looking forward to that! I remember playing Q1 with my brother a long time ago and we would always complain about how slow the game would be since we had a crap system to run it on. Brings back the memories though and playing your remake of E1M1 would be tremendous indeed. Looking forward to that ;).
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sst13 Rep. 513
#9   04 Aug 2014
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bloodshot Rep. 30
#8   04 Aug 2014
Man, I love your Q1 remixes of these levels. Have you considered doing a Q1-architecture level but for CTF?
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#7   18 Jun 2014
I must say the prank is almost unbelieveable and it's really hard to play it then :D Hopefully teleporters will abort this strange look :)

For other who do not know what I'm talking about: Find the secret, go behind the tomb, a message will appear, and wait :P
Edited 1 minutes after the original posting.

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CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   18 Jun 2014
Write english, not everyone speeks and understand russian or ukraine lang.
And I'm sure you haven't tried it, so pick your mouse and let's go. Then judge it.
Edited 22 seconds after the original posting.
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Panda unregistered
#5   16 Jun 2014
I've seen your maps before and think you're a master at this. A while ago work in gtkradiant. I tried creating some maps in particular, but I'm too novice. My Maps are never equal. I would like to see if you can do me this great little favor. Create one of these maps, I have tried to create for a while now and I could not. Ironic or Spirit of UT2004. Any of the 2. Hopefully not disturb. Thank you.
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Дядя unregistered
#4   09 Jun 2014
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   05 Jun 2014
Agreeing with Vym here, The map is quite small and there are limited amount of guns placed on the map. But apart from that it's a good TDM in which is suitable for 2 - 4 bots per team. Nice Work SST!
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Vymmiatacz Rep. 208
#2   19 May 2014
Quite good for small TDMs. However, there is quite limited set of guns here. It would be nice to have one Plasmagun somewhere around.
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sst13 Rep. 513
#1   29 Apr 2014
Thanks for the review!

To find the secret, follow these steps:

  • locate the hidden shootable button, rocketjump and shoot the button
  • double rocketjump or grenade-rocketjump into one of the holes above the Rocketlaunchers
  • step on the button above the door and shoot the hidden shootable button again
  • collect the yellow armor to open the door
There is also a lightning shooter to annoy people trying to get the lightninggun. If you see someone going to use the teleporter, simply shoot one of the shootable buttons on the ceiling.
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