Use and Abuse (swelt remix)
Use and Abuse (swelt remix) by FxR|jude & swelt
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Obsessed Rep. 658
#8   09 Apr 2024
nice to see all these comments from ppl being not common with cpm =)
this map is genious. a bit disbalanced but genious.
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Alice Rep. 615
#7   21 Aug 2016
The original cpm3 is one of my favourite maps. Its still online on a few servers in 2016 and always fun to play. I also like the remake somehow, but its streamlined like a piece of soap. The ugly, rough charm and the atmosphere of the predecessor is totally gone.
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Col1n unregistered
#6   27 Jul 2012
I dont get it, cause this map is already added to the cpma mappack for an long time I think.
Or is there something changed ?
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Tetzlaff Rep. 275
#5   19 Jul 2012
Texturing looks kind of random, a couple of vaguely industrial looking textures thrown together.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   24 Jun 2012
Well to start off with the textures look really good and have a bit of a Sci-Fi & Space theme to it. Also Gameplay isn't bad to but I would like to say that try adding a bit more weapons because the map looks quite empty without them. 6.5/10.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#3   24 Jun 2012
@kawkwind: If you mean that bio-hazard texture visible on screenshot, this is CPMA logo... This map is remixed version of Use and Abuse (cpm3) by swelt, this is in evil8 texture set made by evil lair, looks like a warehouse in some industrial factory...
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hawkwind unregistered
#2   23 Jun 2012
it sure looks like the bad place. love the bio-hazard texture. reminds me of using biohazard bags to make kites with the kids
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#1   21 Jun 2012
Have forgotten I've played the map, but at visuals no issue... 10/10 :D
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