Windsong Keep
Windsong Keep by Phantazm11
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#11   27 Feb 2018
One of the most beautiful Quake 3 maps I have seen so far, only downside is it feels cramped everywhere. could use some more space but otherwise amazing map.
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JADscratch Rep. 487
#10   02 Apr 2013
Whether you have Quake Live or not, this map is one heck of a high-quality map. I will sadly agree with the others that the gameplay just isn't there; however, I correct myself and say that the gameplay isn't there completely. It can get a little frustrating going from place to place, whether you're escaping from your opponents' hellfire or you're chasing down that pesky little gnat of a player. However, the brilliance of this map is stunning; from the gloomy sky releasing gallons of high-definition rain, to the glistening of the detailed stained-glass windows, this is a map that no one should be overlooking. Congrats to Phantazm11 for such a superb effort on this map.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#9   25 Jul 2012
Good news: Windsong Keep is revealed to be a new map for the upcoming QL Premium Pack, along with cityy's Silence and Infinity maps.

Topic can be found here on ESR:

EDIT: It's up now. (Mentioning to add to the QL maplist on LvL and the icon)
Edited: 25 Jul 2012 AEST

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redfella unregistered
#8   14 Feb 2012
holy hell, nice looking map! Good job dude.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#7   11 Feb 2012
@Mark: I fully agree with you. The Gameplay isnt just there for me ):. It would have been extraordinary if there was brilliant gameplay.
Edited: 11 Feb 2012 AEST
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#6   05 Jan 2012
Victorian looking castle :).
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gooball Rep. 1091
#5   10 Dec 2011
Amazing piece of work. 10/10
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#4   02 Dec 2011
What is your com_hunkmegs set to? I recommend at least 100, just make sure it isn't more than 3/4 of your system's memory. (iirc)

If this doesn't fix the problem, it may be your graphics card / drivers. I use a GeForce 6100 nForce 405, perhaps it would be helpful if you shared yours with us so we can determine the problem.

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Err, when I try loading this guy's maps it stops my game from working. WTF?
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fKd Rep. 390
#2   30 Nov 2011
no doubt some strong visuals, but i still think hipshot and sock hold the throne of most visually impressive idtech 3 mapping. but still, this is one fine effort and imo really should have won it over all. gg phant
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cityy Rep. 373
#1   30 Nov 2011
Still the #1 map of the competition for me. Great job buddy. (:
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