Shattered Tranquility
Shattered Tranquility by VerMoorD
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raspatan Rep. 4660
#12   12 Jun 2020
Massive, simple but fun (for a while). It's probably best for TDM (with humans of course).
Edited 19 seconds after the original posting.
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H217 Rep. 470
#11   13 Feb 2013
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#10   02 Jun 2012
I never implied Doom was a bad game. I was trying to say that Overkill didn't have a lot of 3D action and that it felt more like a Doom map because of the lack of vertical element. Obviously Doom didn't have the technology back then to have true 3D environments, and I was never criticizing the game. Doom did very well with what it had to keep things extremely fun and is with no doubt a great game - the reason I made the comparison is that because Quake 3 has more capabilities, it would be of benefit to add more vertical action to the map. What works well in one game doesn't always work well in another.
Edited: 02 Jun 2012 AEST
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@EmeraldTiger Are you implying DOOM is a shit game?
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Sansfield unregistered
#8   17 Aug 2011
This map is the first I have played on from this website, it is really fantastic, great for large multiplayer games; I find when I am playing against friends even the larger maps in the game tend to feel small especially with some angry guys chasing after you because you just killed them! However the contrasts between open spaces, narrow corridors and everything in between with excellent use of both horizontal and vertical spacing makes this map an excellent one.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#7   21 Jul 2011
This map also has more spread-out vertical action as well. Overkill was okay but there was only really one area that truly took advantage of three dimensions, everything else felt 2D and like a Doom DM map.
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GuitarMan Rep. 518
#6   21 Jul 2011
I like Overkill too, but this map looks more "stylish" so to speak, at least to me. By the way, both were released around the same time.
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Haha, that's exactly what I thought before the map was reviewed, when I tested it in the queue. It's a lot like Overkill.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#4   21 Jul 2011
I get confused when people say just UT-mainly because its abbreviating both Unreal Tournament, and Urban Terror.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#3   20 Jul 2011
An interesting note: In the readme the author says this map was actually based off an Unreal Tournament map of his, which iirc was submitted for an UT mapping contest.
Edited: 20 Jul 2011 AEST
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GuitarMan Rep. 518
#2   20 Jul 2011
Finally this map gets its much deserved spot on ..::LvL. "Big and beautiful" are the proper words to describe it. I've found it many years ago on PlanetQuake and it's been on my baseq3 folder since then.
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gooball Rep. 1161
#1   19 Jul 2011
I like this one. 9/10
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