Deadsphere by KOHTPA
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fKd Rep. 390
#9   20 Aug 2012
in its original form it was missing tonnes of textures etc. what i was getting at was that if a map has errors, it should not be posted.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#8   20 Aug 2012
@fKd: While I do not think this map is all that great either, maps cannot be rejected simply because they are unpopular. That would be very unfair to the minority that may find redeeming features of the map in their own perspective.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#7   15 Mar 2011
@KOHTPA: Sorry for the delay, I did not notice the update until today. The download has been updated and so have the screenshots for your map. If you are seeing the old shots with the black & white pattern it is because the images are in your browsers cache. You can either delete the browser cache or just wait (up to a few days) and you should see the new screenshots.
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KOHTPA unregistered
#6   11 Mar 2011
The map with all visible textures on
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fisty unregistered
#5   09 Mar 2011
this map looks bad and its missing all textures! 1/10
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DX10.1 unregistered
#4   08 Mar 2011
Errors:Missing Textures(mapmedia.pk3)
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gooball Rep. 1091
#3   07 Mar 2011
lol, guess im not that bad ;)
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Tig Rep. 1742
#2   07 Mar 2011
@fKd: I'm in two minds as to what to do about these kind of errors. On the one hand, displaying the issue helps both the author (as it is a bit embarrassing, so they 'should' want to fix it) and players that may see the problem and have no idea what is going on.

For players, they see the error is not on their side, but that of the authors and the players can also see the fix is a simple one, download the mapmedia.pk3. This also helps the players to understand just how the issue appeared and why the author did not notice.

On the other hand, simply not displaying the map is not really a good option as often I can not get in touch with the authors. For example, this author has a .RU email address - for some reason I almost never get a response from a .RU email address. If the maps are not going to go up, I really need to tell the author as to why.

I do try to contact the authors when there is a problem. Sometimes the authors fix the issue, sometimes they don't care too much but most of the time I just don't get a response. I think I don't get a response because the anti-spam filters are just too strict and my message just never makes to the author, not because the author does not care.

So that is why the maps go up, mostly because I hope the author will fix the problem and so players will understand that the problem is not at their end.

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fKd Rep. 390
#1   07 Mar 2011
tig, these maps should not be posted... 0/10
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