Dreams in Digital
by NoVA
Dreams in Digital by NoVA
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#2   06 Mar 2010
The first thing i have to ask is where is Lucy and Sorlag? Were they too ugly to make the cut? On the whole now this isn't as bad a map as it may seem and given tourney maps with realistic environments is where it's all at it helps to be a large ffa map. too large for 4 but quite a riot with up to 10-12. A game can be played out rarely visiting certain areas and the rocket launcher and battlesuit or haste can help you to traverse the vast distances quicker. And there are some immediate show downs to be found when 2 or more players spawn in the railgun/rocket room or heading down the corridor with the 2 rocket launchers. fighting is a little too horizontal and distance a little too expansive and this distance could have been shortened if the author had dispensed with the slow elevators and all those doors. but a few rounds of ffa mayhem for all.
re secret: rocket jumping on the rotating cylinder furthest left will teleport back to bfg room
Edited: 09 Mar 2010 AEST
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Hooyaah Rep. 657
#1   28 Feb 2010
I would be remiss if I didn't clarify the syntax in my review where I mentioned; "if you had the quad" as there is, alas, no quad to be found. If you had "a quad" is prone to less misunderstanding. This still leaves us with the question, why is there no quad? Perhaps the destructive force of the BFG is sufficient and not to allow for any one player to obtain it and the quad simultaneously prevents the devastation that could ensue. Finally NoVA mentions in the read me file that there would be an update forthcoming that would make this arena "prettier". This is the only map by this author that I am aware of and I would be interested in seeing more of his work, including any update to this map.
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