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Zod Rep. 202
#6 23 Nov 2013
Tens un 1 :)
...de pizza :)
Edited 45 seconds after the original posting.
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According to author in read me file:
My first map, I'm not good design but is better than I expected
Perhaps the first two creations were discarded and he meant that this was his first release.
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Tig Rep. 2422
#4 02 Mar 2010
@Anonymous: I'm assuming either lost, on their HD or in the hands of beta testers. That is really a question you need to ask the Author, not the public.
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#3 02 Mar 2010
> Younydm3
> dm3
> 3
Third map!!! And where is previous?
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fKd Rep. 420
#2 01 Mar 2010
its always good to see new blood, but this really should have stayed on his or hers hard drive imo. keep at it :D
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I believe that it is necessary to mention that this offering is very basic in its design. There is little atmosphere and no ambient sound. The portals are lacking that certain sparkle of life and there is little here, in this realm, to create a sense of submersion, holding one in its grasp. I am fairly certain that elpibewer released this map for feedback on which to use as a foundation for future efforts. The artist should be encouraged for having achieved so much on a first attempt considering that is may have been accomplished with an apparent lack of effective outside tutelage. Through additional research into, and by employing new techniques, implementing new and original ideas, and continued learning, we may expect to see much improvement from this new artist. I agree with Anwulf, this map is not worth downloading unless you do so in order to assist its creator with constructive criticism that can foster improvement in his future efforts.
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