Tech Edge
by fKd
Tech Edge by fKd
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#20   02 Aug 2019
just to clear a few things up as the reviewer regarding comments for future visitors:

as far as clipping goes: i was distinguishing invisible clipping from architectural detail, and am sorry I should have been clearer on that. Foo obviously picked up on it though: what was impressive, given the detailing, was the absence of invisible clipping to snag players on.

My second point concerns a lack of criticism as to the health spread for FFA. Having recently played on some very shitty maps, where health placement (or lack thereof) was one of the issues, and some very good maps where the only issue was health placement, I can appreciate the concern. But this is balanced by the presence of both a regen AND a medikit, plus there is also the personal teleport for a quick escape.

What I failed to mention, and now wish I had, is the lack of teleporters to take players quickly back up to the top of the map. Having played it again recently this really bothers me: if you spawn at the bottom you basically have a slow crawl back up to the top via stairways and some bouncepads.
Edited 220.1 days after the original posting.

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gooball Rep. 1161
#19   13 Sep 2015
I used to play this all the time, definitely one of my favorite Quake 3 maps of all time!
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#18   05 Jan 2012
fKd Is A master Mapper!
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#17   02 Jan 2012
I think he's saying that compared to most maps he has seen, this one is "unusual" and therefore he wasn't expecting anything like it. In other words, he probably likes it. :)
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fKd Rep. 420
#16   02 Jan 2012
ummm what were you expecting?
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Someone Rep. 1
#15   02 Jan 2012
This isn't what I was expecting.
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Decrepid unregistered
#14   19 Sep 2010
Reminds me of the movie robots, but an awsome map ^^
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fKd Rep. 420
#13   27 Apr 2010
thanks very much dude! ahhh this is why i map, great to know ppl are having fun with this map. new ctf in the works. dont forget q3w level editing forum for all things q3 mappyish
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headrot Rep. 178
#12   26 Apr 2010
Just the BEST map Dude! Love the personal teleporter down in the tunnels next to railgun Also works well in Pro mode - flying about on all the angles : ) A+
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fKd Rep. 420
#11   16 Feb 2010
thanks for the kind words guys :D its a pleasure creating more content for such a fun game. now if only i could dedicate myself to finishing one of my many halve finished maps i've been working on since this 1. ack
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anonymous unregistered
#10   16 Feb 2010
GREAT map!
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Hooyaah Rep. 657
#9   14 Feb 2010
This map transports one to a truly believable environment where there is sufficient ambient sound and lots of eye candy. I agree with Mark, this is a real keeper and worth the download. You may want to store an extra copy somewhere safe. Game play isn't so much of a concern, in my opinion, as I enjoy adapting my playing style to each map I encounter. I always love a map that is so technically flawless and so visually engaging. High marks for fKd.

Edited: 14 Feb 2010 AEST

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Foo Rep. 387
#8   06 Feb 2010
Visually stunning, and technically very accomplished. User of shaders, clip etc all excellent.

On the gameplay side, item pickups are a bit thin on the ground, lacking in ammo boxes and health orbs, especially for the target game-mode FFA.

Flow is good although over-connected. There are not enough scenarios where you're in a fight and unable to move in close to your opponent very quickly. This lowers the depth of gameplay quite a bit.

fkd really is an accomplished mapper and has mastered the technical side to its fullest. I'd love to see a collaboration with some gameplay-focused mappers/players, the outcome would be amazing.
Edited: 06 Feb 2010 AEST

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pat howard Rep. 472
#7   05 Feb 2010
I initially dismissed this map because I thought there were just way too many colors (I know, I have high standards for your maps) and I didn't think I'd ever be able to actually play it without being visually confused. But I've been recently inspired to take another look at this one and I must say I'm glad I did. I had some really good games with 3 bots.

The layout is much smaller than I assumed it was in the beginning. For me that's always been a tell-tale sign of over-connection. Looking around I think you probably could have gotten rid of a few of these bouncers as they sometimes overpower the stairs. Still, it's never too difficult to move upwards so that's good I guess.

Don't get the wrong idea about the color palette comment, the details in this map are amazing. Perhaps I should just quit while I'm ahead here and say this:

Good one : ).

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fKd Rep. 420
#6   05 Feb 2010
or not :D
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fKd Rep. 420
#5   01 Feb 2010
a bit more feedback would be nice :D

if interested in the process for this 1, here is a link to the topic on quake3world :

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cityy unregistered
#4   22 Jan 2010
Sick. (:

You need to come back to q3 level editing fkd.

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#3   22 Jan 2010
Sorry I didn't give you a review (since this map has been sitting there in the queue for a ridiculous amount of time)...but this map really is the best thing I've seen come out for a really long time..everything about it shoots way above what people have been putting out before that. Very skillful. Actually...I'm working on a OpenArena spawn for myself only, and I was able to put this map in all by itself with just the game engine..and I played around on it for like near an hour. It does play good..very connective and a good item layout!
Edited: 22 Jan 2010 AEST
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AEon Rep. 820
#2   22 Jan 2010
About the clipping... the tester must have been looking less closely... ;)...

That completely aside, this map is indeed awesome, especially the stacking of detail on detail, and the amazing brushwork. It is really surprising to see that the map still plays this well with all the detail. The layout may take some time to understand, but it works well... playing the bots is fun.

Even should anyone no longer care about playing maps, download this map alone for the visual experience.

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fKd Rep. 420
#1   22 Jan 2010
thanks for the review :D
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