Q by Pat Howard
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Emma Indoril Rep. 159
#25   24 Oct 2023
It's a great map, i alwais have pleasure to play it i a duel.
Its a nice piece of work, the construction must have been a pain, there's a lot of detail and environmental storytelling.
The refs to LOST has went completely over my head, also i never saw the shape of a question mark ! The secret room made my head explode. I LOVE this kind of map, when you can go alone and explore for discover all the weirds stuff the creator made ! Thanks your for this !
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georgejjburns Rep. 101
#24   07 Dec 2017
one of the best space maps ever made imo
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#23   06 Oct 2015
@ric: That does not matter, it is only visual secret. There are no goodies inside.
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ric unregistered
#22   06 Oct 2015
Mr. Ken,
found it - now, my curious brain cells can rest :-)
fun...but, in the heat of battle?
thank you.
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Mr. Ken Rep. 91
#21   05 Oct 2015
Going into spectator mode and flying around the outside, I saw 2 places which had the sequence:
"4 8 15 16 23 42"
Punching that in didn't seem to work, but then I found a video screen in a caged area, one deck above the door/keypad deck. Read what the video display says!
Edited 23.28 hours after the original posting.
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ric unregistered
#20   03 Oct 2015
thank you CZghost for your prompt reply.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#19   03 Oct 2015
@ric: I think it is hidden somewhere in the map, you just need to seek... Unfortunately I forgot where it is and what code it is so I can tell you neighter the code nor where to find it :(
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...ric... unregistered
#18   02 Oct 2015
i know there's a secret room behind midlevel door with keypad entry that leads to another secret area below. i assume one needs to enter a keycode in on pad to enter said secret room. correct? and that code is?
cool map.
thank you.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#17   21 Jul 2012
I find the map a little crammed up when it comes to Gameplay since it is quite small and even with 4 bots the map feels stuffy. On the other hand, textures are brilliantly brushed and does have a bit of a Tech theme to it. 6/10
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#16   22 Jun 2012
I remember playing this map and loved it. Battle in the clouds - It made me belive we are fighting on a colony over a Gas Giant planet :P

Yes I know. I have been saying that lots.

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Fragenstein Rep. 12
#15   05 Dec 2011
Just added this map to my rotation. LOTS of fun. Well designed. Cool graphics. If you're looking for a server to play it on: bwood.servegame.com:27960
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Combo Rep. 97
#14   19 Apr 2010
Very good map. Visuals and gameplay are superior.
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ShadoW Rep. 67
#13   25 Feb 2010
Excellent work Pat :).
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fKd Rep. 390
#12   25 Feb 2010
bit late commenting on this. 9.5 - great design & gameplay. one thing i would have done different was making the sky a skybox which has a bobbing effect of about 32-64 units going slowly to give the effect of the boosters working. apart from that its a great map!
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AEon Rep. 780
#11   22 Jan 2010
Amazingly detailed, very beautiful map that certainly has that special wow factor, the first time run it. Has a bit of that Star Wars feel to it, IMO.

Over at Q3A LEM we had long discussions about the map... alas some of the ideas suggested would have "broken" the original vision of this map, thus had to be dropped. Still a fun map very well executed.

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Anthem Rep. 221
#10   08 Jan 2010
I agree with Tab completely. This map is really creative and professional, and it's one of the better "space" maps I've ever seen.

Edited: 08 Jan 2010 AEST

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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#9   21 Dec 2009
Cool map, lots of detail and great design. Found the way to the secret area. :)
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Ben unregistered
#8   18 Dec 2009
Why, thank you, sir. There exist people in this world who would have a far less patient and welcoming reaction than that to my error, which now does indeed strike me as somewhat ridiculous. :) I must register on this wonderful site. I've only recently discovered Quake 3 and have already seen that this site holds many wonderful maps, with the best that I've seen being about the 2005-2006 region. Thank you again. :)


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Tig Rep. 1742
#7   18 Dec 2009
Hi Ben, Best to place your errors and issues on the map in question. I've shifted your question there...
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Ben unregistered
#6   18 Dec 2009
Hey listen. First, I do like this map. It has nice gameplay with that something about "vertical" and running away, cat-and-mouse stuff.


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JULEK Rep. 49
#5   04 Dec 2009
One of the best maps, which i have ever played, keeper
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ShadoW unregistered
#4   03 Dec 2009
Nice job, Pat! :)
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StjartMunnen unregistered
#3   03 Dec 2009
I remember betatesting this. The map turned out just as awesome as I thought it would. Good job, sir!
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Ch1ef Rep. 20
#2   03 Dec 2009
Wow. I mean... WOW. This is one of the most interesting and atmospheric map that i ever, ever seen. Lots of interesting things to discover, great gameplay, impressive use of sounds and realy good atmoshpere. Really a must have, especially for the mappers. Thanks for your work, dude! :respect: :salute:
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pat howard Rep. 422
#1   03 Dec 2009
Wow, Tab, thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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