poptart by NaturalSpringWater
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gooball Rep. 1091
#17   29 Jun 2019
Please note: having this map in your baseq3 folder will break the yellow arrow texture that appears above teammates in team based gametypes. Upon further inspection, it appears that this map overwrites many of the default game's shader files, so I would recommend deleting/disabling the pk3 file when you're finished playing this map.
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sg.cak Rep. 21
#16   23 Apr 2014
new gametype added "hide and seek"!!!
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#15   17 Jan 2012
Lol taking a tour around the house :P.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#14   02 Jan 2012
@Someone: If you use (or type at the console) \g_gametype 0 the map will work fine.
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Someone unregistered
#13   02 Jan 2012
What gametype does Q3 think this is?
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SW12 unregistered
#12   13 Aug 2010
Where do you find the Basketball? is it hard to find?
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SW12 unregistered
#11   12 Apr 2010
This Map is SOOOOOO Fun! I Didn't exactly find everything but nice house enviroment anyway! Hangi'n round the house.
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Barnes Rep. 10
#10   30 Dec 2009
At long last I found the Poptart! What gloriousness!
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Anonymous unregistered
#9   03 Jun 2009
This map is interesting in terms of proportion. It's not like the giant's-house theme maps (what I expected when I downloaded it) nor is it life size. In this one I feel like a hobbit :)
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pat howard Rep. 422
#8   27 Feb 2009
Me too, : (
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Anonymous unregistered
#7   27 Feb 2009
stuck at 99...
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Anonymous unregistered
#6   13 Feb 2009
Please make another map like this..I LOVE the searching and hunting for stuff!!!
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Anonymous unregistered
#5   18 Nov 2008
has any1 found the White other then me... Its insane
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Anonymous unregistered
#4   15 Nov 2008
so far i struggled the most with the penny. im stuck at about 90 right now!
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   11 Nov 2008
the basketball drove me insane!
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Anonymous unregistered
#2   26 Oct 2008
after 10 minutes are up you can still go back to the house and look for more items. that is good.
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Anonymous unregistered
#1   25 Oct 2008
This map is addictive.
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