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Oh yeah, absolutely! Totally loved this map when it was out. Sadly I lost the file at some point and couöd never remember its name - until now! :)
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The first custom map I ever played, and it's quality in terms of visuals and fast gameplay still stands up remarkably well. The redness of the void contrasts beautifully with the blue megahealth area. Tried it recently with 8 players and was an absolute blast. Highly recommended!
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Ian "Foralarx" Wilson
#22 31 Aug 2009
10 years on and, even though it was the first, this map still has it's appeal. I remember lugging my PC round a mate's house for the weekend and playing this because in those days broadband still wasn't widely available :o. This was also the first map where I actually saw use a Rocket jump... we all stood there in awe, lol. Happy memories :). Anyways the map still plays fast and furious and set a high standard for others to follow. A true cult classic.
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#21 04 Feb 2002
this map its awesome, yes siree, play is wild with 4 players, best 1 on 1, like you said. great map, plan to have on hard drive for a long time.
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#20 03 Feb 2002
This map is oodles of fun for corkscrew! Everybody in the pool! NOW!
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#19 26 Dec 2001
:) Man I guess I'll never forget this map.. It was the first custom map I saw on the net. But strange as it may seems, I only dled in october last year and I wasn't dissapointed at all. Ok so it's not perfect, but what map is?
This map is still in my baseq3 :)
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#18 26 Dec 2001
:) Man I guess I'll never forget this map.. It was the first custom map I saw on the net. But strange as it may seems, I only dled in october last year and I wasn't dissapointed at all. Ok so it's not perfect, but what map is?
This map is still in my baseq3 :)
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#17 11 Sep 2000
This map's great for 1v1, loads of fun!
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#16 08 Jul 2000
one of the best custom maps
great colours and cool gameplay
like this map too!!!
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#15 25 Apr 2000
Mudd: yep you can get this to pop up in the arena select screen, just open up the .pk3 and add a .ARENA file. I'm not gonna go into the syntax here but if you open up the .pk3 of one of yer maps which DOES pop up in the area selector, then open it's .ARENA file with notepad, you'll get the idea.
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#14 18 Apr 2000
this map r0x0rs!! it's one of the best I've played, tourney and small DM (about 3 players is good)
top class!!
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#13 07 Apr 2000
This map r00leZ...
if u disagree with me then ur wrong! LOL
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#12 24 Mar 2000
is there a way to get this map to appear on the map selection screen?
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#11 24 Mar 2000
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#10 05 Mar 2000
Me and my friend played this map much!
IT's really an IDSOFTWARE's MAP!
VERY COOL and fun and good gameplay
I like very much this map
I would to see more of you
(I'm french so if there are any faults........)
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Rocket Racer
#9 04 Jan 2000
Terribly fun map. On the simple side, yet
deceptively so, as there is a superb cat-and-mouse game here for 1 on 1. Mustaine is a pro; he knocked this off as a sort of macho 'I'll release the first custom Q3 map' stunt. But just look at the architecture: even his shrugs are more interesting than many people's long, endeavored labors. :)
A note on the bots...they often end up in the pit. Yes, design has to work within the limits of the tech, but could id please fix its bots so that they use vertical space a bit smarter?
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#8 03 Jan 2000
I don't think this style will ever get boring! I luv the evil-gothic- techno shit and this map feels like Id yanked it from the final release at the last minute. Very nice layout...fast and well thought out,IMHO. yes, maybe a little "sticky" here and there, but props for being the first REAL Q3 map released by a unaffiliated mapper. Haven't played online in it yet, but threw in 6(!) bots and went "wEEEEEE!!!!!" very good addition to the arsenal. watch for maps from the mac community though real soon or as soon as we can get a mac vers. of q3Radiant!!!:)doh!
i see a lot of potential in the already established macquake scene and the Q3 maps should be tasty...
rok on
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#7 02 Jan 2000
This map is super-fun playin!
Me and my friend played this map much, against each other or against 2 bots (teamplay).
Both were very fun!
Download this zucka!
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#6 02 Jan 2000
This map is super-fun playin!
Me and my friend played this map much, against each other or against 2 bots (teamplay).
Both were very fun!
Download this zucka!
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#5 02 Jan 2000
Maybe it's just me but a map like this one where you spend most of your time trying to avoid falling to your death just isn't much fun. I want to die from being shot by my opponent not from smashing my head against the bricks.
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#4 02 Jan 2000
I don't mind the layout of this map too much (though I wouldn't play anything but 1-vs-1 on it). I was a bit disappointed in that the whole map gave me the impression of being rushed to release. Some clipping errors and several misaligned or badly stretched textures.
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#3 01 Jan 2000
I agree with QuartZ.. it looked pretty but it wasn't a WHOLE lot of fun to play. Of course it sort of figures for a from scratch to complete in a day map.
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#2 31 Dec 1999
Just my personal opinion of course, but I D/Led this map as soon as it hit the web and was disappointed. I didn't find it fun to play. I think the figure-8 design he used was the problem to me. My 2 cents.
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#1 30 Dec 1999
I really like this map. If you haven't done it already, try running this map with the "Living Flesh" mod...
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